Fighting Again..-Leonardo

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So,School was officially over now and you stayed at the lair all day long.Today you had asked your parents if you could sleep over at a friends house for a few days and they both agreed aslong as you called them every night and update them on you.You packed your Pijamas,underwear,bras ans clothes for the day then you grabbed your blanket and pillow.Once you headed out the door,you searched for the nearest manhole and jumped inside.

Every other day the sewers seemed to be filled with joy,even if they stink,it always had that positive vibe.But today,today was different.Today it made you scared and worried but,you shook it off and kept walking.

Once you arrived,you set your things down and called out for leo.Donnie came out of his lab and exchanged smiles with you then frowned.

"Uh (y-n)..You're staying over?"he asked nervously

"Yeah!"you smiled

He shuffled and played with his fingers then looked at you

"I-i don't think it's the best time,honestly.I-I'm not trying to be rude but,its for your own good."he said and walked back to his lab

You thought to yourself 'Why isn't it a good time?' And decided to go talk to mikey about it.You walked into his room and he was reading a comic then smiled as you came in

"Hey dudette!Whatcha doing here?"he asked

"Oh i actually came to stay over for a few days but donnie told me it wasn't the greatest of time."

"Oh..Yeah..You see,Leo has been acting really bad lately.I have no idea why."

"He's probably in his PMS days"you joked and he laughed

"HA.No but forrealy dude.He has insulted all of us.He even hurt master splinters feelings!I dont know whats up with him."

You wondered what was going on with your blue-masked turtle.Getting impatient,you decided to go ask him yoursel

"You know what Mikey,im going to go ask him.I don't want him hurting you guys feelings.Especially Master Splinter,who has done so much for him."

"Alright dudette,your choice,I wouldn't go into his room if i were you.But thanks!"he said and you mad e your way towards his room

"Alright leo..Here i go."you murmured but before you could knock a hand grabbed onto your wrist

"What in the world do you think you are doing?!"Raph asked

"Im going to go talk to leo."you said letting go

"Dude no.I really hope you aren't that stupid because i was actually starting to like you.(Not in a bf gf way guys)Leo has gone mad!"he yelled

"Dude i have to go in there and help him and discuss whatever the hell is wrong with him Raph.Hes my Boyfriend and I can't let him be like this.I can't let him hirt his brothers feelings or his sensei."

Raph sighed and turned around

"(Y-n).If he hurts you.Dump his ass.Im done with him and so should you.Just because hes mad doesnt mean he has to release it on us."he said and walked off

You took a breath in and knocked.Almost immediately after you knocked a glass object hit the door

"What do you want?!"leo asked.His voice was so..Rough.Almost like leo got replaced with raph.

"L-leo?Its me (y-n)...I want to talk to you."

"Well I don't (y-n).Go away."

"Leo whats wrong?Please open the door..Im worried about you"

He grunted and got up from his bed,opened the door and went to the corned of the room where he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.You shut the door and looked around.The room was a mess.

"Leo,whats going on?"

"About what?"he spat

"Your brothers told me that you have been acting strangely.And that you insulted master splinter.Leo that's not you."

He rolled his eyes at you

"You don't need to be asking my shitass brothes about me.Come up to me"

"Well i did and now im here so tell me whats wrong."

"You know what?I think you might be the problem (y-n)."he said walking up to you

"Excuse me?All i have ever done to you is give you my love and support leonardo!How am i the problem?"

His cold eyes locked with yours

"Ever since you came into my life you have been messing things up (y-n)!I have to cancel shit for you,defend you,buy you shit but you know what im tired of that!You are always the problem.Why dont you sacrifice things for me huh?Oh yeah cause you're a petty bitch who wants everything done for her.You dont care what others think.You only care about yourself."

Tears were starting to form on your (e-c) eyes.You were shaking with anger and fear

"You know what Leo?I didn't work my ass off all these months for nothing.I actually thought we would have a future together and that's why i kept being so into the school.And you think i only care about myself?!I came here to help out you and your brothers you ass!I have canceled meeting up with parties,having dinners with other guys,going to LA with my best friend..I cant even name them all because you wouldn't believe them!Listen Leonardo,if you dont keep calm on me and your family things will only worsen up because of your ATTITUDE."

"Then let them worsen i dont care.I domt care about my brothers or you.Id be better off alone forever because only i get myself.You know what?I think eve karai was better than you (y-n).I should proably break up with you and get it on with her because atleast she understood me.Karai has the perfect body.You have nothing!Karai and i were closer than with anyone i have been.Then you came along.I only dated you because i felt sorry for you (y-n).Poor teenage girl alone at night.I should have let you die that night."

His words stung your heart more than ever.He had promised you no more fighting.But he lied

"Alright.I dont want to date liars either.You promised me ever since our first fight that there would be no more discussions between me and you.Obviously you broke it dumbass.Thank you for making my day feel horrible.I was actually happy and i was going to stay over a few nights but no.Go hook it up with that whore karai.But with me,dont even think of me leonardo hamato.Dont call me,text me."you said with tears already running down your eyes.He stared at you

You turned away and started walking

"Oh and one more thing leo."you said and he turned

"Happy one year anniversary asshole."you yelled and slammed his door shut

Raph and mikey had been outside hearing everything.Mikey hugged you close and raph shook his head and tried to comfort you

"I told you (y-n).."raph said

You wiped your tears as leo opened his door

"(Y-n)..I wanted to s-"

"Shut it up dude"raph said in a defending tone

"Get out of this raph!"

"No!You hurt our family leo.Thats enough to get me pissed.But hurting (y-n).Thats another thing."

You quickly ran out of the lair leaving the 3 turtles and your backpack full of clothes.

"Way to go dude."mikey said shaking his head and left leo

Leo looked through your backpack and saw that you had made him a collage full of the things you guys did in one whole year.His eyes started to sting as he smiled.

"Im so sorry (y-n)."

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