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It was finals week.Great.That mean studying every single night,which meant staying up late,which lead to not getting good sleep and probably failing.Finals week was exhausting and frustrating.Who knew school could be so difficult?

You were sitting at your desk in school currently taking your Math Final.You hated math with all your heart and obviously everything on the test Didn't make sence.You looked around trying to copy off but the teacher caught you and made you sit down next to her in a desk.Great.Blushing,you made your way and sat down.

"Now (y-n),if i catch you cheating again,im going to have to take the test away from you and give you a zero."

You rolled your eyes and went back to your test.You were almost finished until something caught your eye outside the window.You squinted your eyes and when it appeared again your eyes went bald.

"RAPH!"you mouthed

He waved from the outside,trying not to get caught.

"W-What are you doing?!Are you crazy!?"you mouthed again.He started making funny faces,which made you smirk.

"(Y-n),do you need to go to detention?"

"N-no Miss..Sorry."

You looked back at Raph who now was dying of laughter on the other end.

"Really?"you mouthed

He stuck out his tounge and winked at you.You looked around to make sure nobody was looking and you pulled out your phone.


He looked at his phone then looked back at you.

"Trying to get you out of class babe ;)"

You smirked and looked back up at him

"All you're going to do is get me to go to detention butthead xD Okay i really want to get out but how?Like you can't just pick me up.PLUS I HAVE FINALS!!Today is math and im not finished."

He looked at you with pity now but still smiling

"Finish up!Then when the bell rings meet me behind school."

You gave him a thumbs up and he waited behind the tree.

"Wait but what about the cameras?"

"Donnie shut them down."

You quickly finished your test and asked to go to the restroom.The teacher gave you a "Should i trust you" look and let you go.While you were out in the hallway the principal stopped and asked where you were going.

"Im sorry sir im late to P.E because i had an accident in the bathroom,"you started to  fake cry,"Its not easy you know,being a girl and bleeding from your vagina every mon-"

"AH okay im sorry,be on your way."he said

"Works everytime"you said walking outside.

Raph was hiding and then came out.

"So.This is school huh?" He said looking around

"Yeah and it sucks.Why did you want me to get out?"

"To take you on a date.Plus I didn't want you suffering your last week of school"

"Aww raph thank you" you said as you kissed him

"Okay now hop on my back amd lets go before anybody catches us."he said and you obeyed.

Sorry for this short one lovelies!If you liked ot please vote and comment :)

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