Defending you-Leonardo

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You were in your house inside your room reading peacefully until your annoying and not to mention,abusive stepbrother came in.

"Your mom said to go down."

"Okay i'll be down in a minute."


"Jesus okay!!"you screamed and started walking downstairs but before you even reached the first step he pulled your hair back and whispered stuff in your ear.

"Dont talk like that to me or i will hurt you again like i did last time bitch."

"Let me go! Stop!"he finally released you and you ran downstairs to eat dinner.

You see,(Okay his name will be ummm jacob) Jacob didnt like you or your mom.He always said you and her were a peace of shit and he replaced the spot of his caring mom.He never got along with his dad after marrying your mom but oh well.Everytime you were home alone with him,he would punch and kick you until you begged him to stop.So every time your mom asked,"Who hurt you?!" You would reply and say,"i just fell."and the worst part wasnt your mom,it was leo who always asked and asked but you didnt want jacob to die because of leo.(omg i dont know why i laughed at this part well because its true!! Leo would kill someone if they hurt his baby)

Dinner sas quiet as usual.Jacob would give you mean looks and your mom and stepdad would talk about work.

"Oh (y-n),again? Yoi fell?"

Jacob glanced at you and stomped on your foot,making you squeal.

"Y-yea..i fell again.."
Jacob smirked.

"Oh dad,im going to a friends house after dinner.Shes having an ultimate party an-"

"You can go aslong as you take (y-n)"

"But da-"

"No buts,either take her or nothing."

"Fine whatever."he ended the convo and went upstairs to change.

"Really? I can go?"


A smile plastered on your face as you quickly went to go change.


"Ready?" Asked your mom


You went downstairs dressed up in some high waisted shorts and a white t-shirt along with a black sweater and flats.

"Lets go" said jacob as he zoomed past you and into the passenger seat.

A few minutes later of driving,you found the party.The house was big and full of noise coming from the inside.

"Okay,i'll pick you guys up at 10:00 p.m. No later than that."


"Okay mom,bye love you!"

"Listen here you whore,if you ruin this night for me youre going to be in a major conflict with me alright?"

"You cant do nothing to me nomore jacob..I have leo."

"Ha! Leo? Who is that your imaginary boyfriend? Psh not even imaginary people would want to date a piece of shit.see ya"

It stung you in the heart but you knew leonardo loved you..all of a sudden you got a text message


You:Hey leo bear!

Leo: what ya doing?

You:Im at a party with the devil

leo:Where is it at?

You:Maria avenue, house #1732

Leo:Oh ive been around there..

You:leo you wont be spying on me right? XD

Leo: nah.. Oh gotta go! See ya later babe


You sighed and entered the house.None of the high school kids that were there were your friends.They mostly all hated you or thought you were weird.So you sat down.

"Alright alright alright,hows everyone doing tonight?Good?oh yea!Who is ready for the kareoke challenge?"

Everyone cheered except for you,you liked singing but not infront of other people.But guess what? Guess freaking what? The d.J spotted you and made you come up to the booth.

"Okay here we have, (y-n)."

"Booo!!!!!"was the first thing you heard snd of course it was from your brother.

You didnt even get a chance to sing because everyone started calling you names.Your brother stepped up and took the mic away from you.

"Alright.Raise your hand if you hate this fat ass chick."eveyone raised their hand,making your eyes sting and fill with tears.

"Who wants to see me,beat her up?"

Everyone cheered even the d.j.He turned to you and started calling you names.Soon,it came to the point where he was pushing you and kicking you.

"P-please jacob!! Stop!!!"

"Hell no"



But he was cut off by a bone-chilling scream from the back and everyone started exiting the house,scared.
In the distance you saw your beloved turtle,leonardo.He walked up to jacob and of course,he towered over him.Jacob didnt know what to do, he was ins shock.

"So youre my girlfriends stepbrother huh?Ive heard many bad things about ya buddy.And i aint happy.Youre the one hurting her huh?"


"Buddy,i caught you red handed.Look at yourself."

But he didnt even let him look.Jacob was instantly kicked in the face punched in the head


Jacob looked up,with a bloody nose and bruised eye.

"(Y-n)!! Help me!!"

You got up and leaned right next to his face.

"How about no,bitch."

You punched him on the face.

"Are you okay (y-n)??"

"Im fine"

"You should have told me this before,i would have beaten his ass."he said as he flung jacob over his shoulder.

"I know..i guess i was scared"

"Dont ever be scared to tell me something okay? I love you."

"I love you too..Now lets get this piece of crap to donnie and back to my place.."

Please tell me of you liked it or hated it!! Im sorry it was short!! Im just really exhasuted and tired.

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