New Food-All turtles

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Okay so you always knew that your beloved blue-masked turtle loved pizza and all but I mean don't they get tired of it once in a while?I mean eating pizza is amazing..It's like a gift haha but 1-Very greasy 2-same taste..So you decided to take things into your own hands

"Hey Leo bear" you yelled as you walked inside the lair.Leo came out from the kitchen and as usual,was eating a pizza.

"Hey (y-n)."he said and reached out to hug you but you shook your head no.

"What's wrong?Did I do something?"

"Yes indeed."

He stopped eating

"Uh oh...what is it?"

You sighed and looked at him


"Me what?"


"Need to what?"


"Stop what?!!!"



"Hold on..You need to stop eating pizza.Well, atleast for today because your lovely chef here,"you pointed at yourself,"Is going to make you something better."

"Wait,hold on,something better than pizza?"


"And that is???"

"Well..I don't know..Mmmm...BUT you're going to help me."


"Oh but do you have a cookbook?"

"Umm...Not that I know of but maybe Master Splinter does."

So you went and asked sensei for a cookbook and luckily,he did have one.

You brought it out for you and Leo to see and saw many different types of dishes and desserts to try out.

"OHH!What about this one?Its pasta with some chicken breast and tomato sauce." You said

"Mmm okay."

You bought the ingredients and came back.You set up the kitchen and put all the essentials too.

"Okay Leo I need you to grab a pot, fill it with water to the half and turn on the stove."

So Leo did as told while you rinsed the chicken and put seasoning on it then cut it.

"Next you put the pot on the stove,CAREFULLY,then come over here so you can open the tomato jar."

He put the pot then went over and opened the jar

"Okay now this next part,you are going to gently put the sauce on a contained then warm it up."

Leo did as told once again and brought the sauce back

You put the chicken to cook and waited

"This is actually pretty fun.Never thought I would cook"

"Well if you want to have a family you gotta cook."you said very quickly



"No I hear what you said but I want you to look at me in the eye and say it"he said as he grabbed your wrists and pinned you to The wall

"Say it" he whispered


He smashed his lips onto yours and you kissed back then he picked you up and set you on the counter to lay back.You started taking off your shirt but exactly when you threw it you met with cold,Red tomato sauce on your chest and the sound of Leos adorable laugh.


He laughed then yelled as y u chased him and he kept throwing sauce at you.Then you slipped
"(y/n)!" Leo yelled and ran to you

"Oh I'm sorry!!ARE YOU OKAY?"

You shook your head no and he carried you

"I'm sorry.."

Right when he said that you got the sauce next to him and spilled it on his face,he let you go and you ran.

"Haha very funny (y-n)."


The pasta and chicken were ready

You wiped your hands and took the chicken out and pasta aswell.You prepared Leos dish first and served it

"Go ahead blue."

Face still with spots of sauce,he took a bite and made this noise which you thougt meant that he loved it.

"What do you think?"

"Well i know how to make it so for the next few weeks this is what I'm going to eat."

"Question.Why don't you guys get tired of eating the same thing over and over again?"

"I honestly don't know.I guess that's how our bodies program?"

"Ohh we'll in that cause you will be eating me."you said again really quickly



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