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Warning:This story will be intense,if you are younger than 13,do not read please,unless you know about sexual stuff.Or if you know about rape,murder,molestation.Okay?Thank you,you have been warned.

You and mikey were having those deep nights conversations,it was 3 a.m and mikey's eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes but he said,"Its cool haha".

"So yea thats basically the story.."

"Thats messed up,i swear if i found that guy who hurt you he would be dead by now."

You had told mikey the story if when you were kidnapped and raped by a creep who later was sent to jail.

"Thank you mikestar..Im getting a little sleepy..Lets go to bed please I'm getting really tired.."

"Okay c'mon "

You both were in bed and you were facing the opposite direction mikey was because you didn't want him seeing you cry..But he still had his arm wrapped around your waist.

-inside dream-

You were 9 years old..You had ran away from your house where your abusive father was..To be honest you didn't know where you were,you only knew you were better off alone..until one day this guy who had dark eyes and a mischievous face found you.

"Excuse me little girl,are you lost?"

"Not really..go away"

"Where is your mommy and daddy?"

"Somewhere far away from me..Leave me alone ."

"I can take you somewhere better you know,where no one has to worry about problems.."


"Indeed,i can take your pain away.."

"I-i guess"

He handed you his cold hand and your fingers interlaced with his.Next thing you know your in an abandoned farm,naked and bruised up.

"W-what happened?"

"You gave me pleasure,thats what happened."

Suddenly your abdomen started hurting really badly and you noticed there was blood under you.

"What did you do to me?!"

The guy stood up and he had a blanket wrapped around his waist along with a beer on his hand.

"You shut the hell up!"

You started crying for help and next thing you know,there was the alarming sound of cops and the ambulance.They knocked the door down and the guy that had raped you backed away and soon he was on the ground,handcuffed.The police wrapped you up in another blanket as the ambulance took you to the hospital to heal your wounds that the nasty guy had caused.

The next day,you were in the hospital with new clothes and you felt alot better.Even more when you saw your mother..

"(Y-n)?!Oh my gosh!"she ran and started crying next to you as she hugged you.

"Hi mommy.."

"Why would you leave me?"

"You were sleeping upstairs and dad was being mean again and throwing stuff..So i ran away so he couldn't hurt me."

"You know what?Dad and i are going to get divorced okay?Its just going to be you and me darling..Noone will ever hurt you again."

You hugged her close.

"Hey (y-n),whats wrong?"you woke up with the soothing sound of your boyfriends voice.

"N-nothing..Just a bad dream about the story.."

You covered yourself with the blanket and then mikey went under the blankets too.

"Hey nothing will ever happen to my baby,i'm here for you no matter what and I'm going to protect you forever"

You hugged him tight and soon you both fell asleep.

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