Volume 8 Chapter 5: Reminiscense

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Two days have passed since the escape from Atlas. It is a quiet and peaceful morning down in the SHLD Bunker... or at least that was what the heroes expected.


Team RWBY, JNR and (Y/N) are doing laps with heavy bags strapped behind them. And unlike last time, all of them seem to be jogging around with ease as Lucas lets out a proud smirk.

Lucas: You are all starting to get used to this. Good. Now I want to see you all sprint!

Everyone: What?!


He yelled out, using his semblance with extra power. All of the teams then start sprinting across the training room with heavy bags on their backs, while (Y/N) is sprinting with lightning speed, carrying the heaviest bag out of all of them.



Some time later

Inside the shooting range, everyone is doing well as Haytham as observing them with a smirk. He then stops at Ruby's booth seeing that she just finished modifying her Crescent Rose. 

A target pops out from Ruby's booth, 2km away, as she then aims at it. From her Crescent Rose's sight, it highlights the target for a few seconds before letting out a sign saying "LOCKED ON". She then pulls the trigger as several bullets came out, all homing down towards the bullseye.

Afterwards, she then turns around, waiting for Haytham's result as he smirks and nods.

Haytham: Not bad, Rose. Keep it up.

Ruby: Yes, sir!


Another time later

In the 2nd training room, Team RWBY is facing off against Haytham Saxe. Haytham is just standing at the center of the training room while Team RWBY are using the raised-platforms to hide themselves from him, dashing from one wall to another. Blake dashes out from one of the pillars, behind Haytham and charges towards him, Haytham turns and swings his staff, hitting Blake's shadow as the real Blake hops away while the fake one explodes in smoke. Afterwards the entire team starts charging towards Haytham. Haytham slams his staff down, clearing the smoke and starts blocking all of their attacks.

Meanwhile, Sonya Goodwitch is watching from the sides, nodding at their improvement. (Y/N) then appears and joins her.

(Y/N): Detective.

Sonya: Ah, (Y/N), how are you doing?

(Y/N): Sore. I never thought Captain Lucas' training would be so intense even for me.

Sonya: So it's working on you too. Good. That means Lucas' training plan is working.

(Y/N): If it's to kill me, then yeah.

Sonya chuckles from his response as he then joins her to watch Team RWBY's training session with Haytham Saxe.

Sonya: What do you think, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Huh?

Sonya: Was this all worth it?

(Y/N): What?

Sonya: All of this. The bunker, the forces, the training regimen... all of this against someone who can bring down a skyscraper with just a point of her finger... 

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