Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 1

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Inside the Devil May Cry's office, (Y/N) is seen to be lying down on the couch, unconscious while his Mentor, Dante Sparda, is on his desk. Dante is staring at his unconscious protege with a curious yet worried expression. All the while, Trish is walking down the stairs as she sits on top of Dante's desk, afterwards.

Trish: Huh... Never seen you this serious. Something on your mind?

Dante: ...

Trish: The boy?

Lady then appears in the room, joining them as they all stare at (Y/N).

Lady: You think he knows something about these portals that keep showing up?

Dante: ...

Lady: Dante?

Dante: I don't know...

Trish: He is kinda cute.

Lady: Trish!

Trish: *giggles* What? I like 'em cute and young.

Lady: It's hard to believe that he is from another world.

Trish: What'd you expect?

Lady: I don't know. Something inhuman-ish?

Dante: ...

Trish: Well, maybe there is something inhuman about him.

Lady: I guess... I mean, he did almost turn, and gave us some electricity for the place.

Trish: *chuckles* Is that why you brought him here, Dante?

Dante: ...

Trish: Well, someone's looking serious.

Lady: He went out of control. It's for the best.

Someone then knocks on their entrance door.

Pizza Guy: Pizza time!

Lady: Darn it! Only two more minutes before thirty!

Trish: You're payin' for it.

Lady: Yeah, yeah...

While Lady is paying the Pizza Guy, Dante still has his gaze over to his protege.

Dante: ...


A few weeks earlier.

(Y/N) wakes up from the ray of sunshine. He opens his eyes to see a pistol pointed at him by a man in a red cloak.

(Y/N): What do you want?

Dante: Huh... Here I thought you were one of those baddies I just beat up.

(Y/N) sits up then turns to the passed out bandits behind him and the man in the red cloak.

(Y/N): They're assholes, I'll tell you that.

Dante: *chuckles* No doubt. So, what's a kid like you doing in a place like this?

(Y/N): You ask that like I had a choice.

The man in red shrugs as he puts his pistol back in his holster.

Dante: I saw how you fought last night.

(Y/N): Did you now?

Dante: It was quite interesting.

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