Volume 2 Chapter 11: No Brakes

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In the underground city, shows two White Fang soldiers equipped with guns, walking, while having a chat.

White Fang Member 1: Sounds bullshit!

White Fang Member 2: It's true!

White Fang Member 1: A guy kills 3 Ursas in a bar? With a pencil? No one could do that!

White Fang Member 2: No one except Azazel!

White Fang Member 1: Azazel? Really? Do you really think that this "Pencil wielding Huntsman" even exist?

White Fang Member 2: Yes!

White Fang Member 1: OK....Why "Azazel?"

White Fang Member 2: A White Fang soldier once destroyed his picture of his family.....

White Fang Member 1: Yeah, yeah, I'm aware of the story...

White Fang Member 2: Killed an army of our Soldiers all by himself, and once he saw the soldier who destroyed his picture....... He's gaze is like a demon. A man or maybe fear itself would pee their pants just by looking at him when he's angry....

White Fang Member 1: Seriously?

White Fang Member 2: Saw it with my own eyes!

White Fang Member 1: *chuckles* OK.....Did he torture the guy?

White Fang Member 2: No..... He just killed him...... Just walked up to him and shot him...... that's it...... No questions, no insults, no bad-ass heroic pun...... He just straight up shot him.................... I barely made it out of there alive.....

White Fang Member 1: Well, real or not at least we're not seeing "Azazel" right now.

White Fang Member 2: You're right..... It's a good thing he disappeared...... Hopefully, dead...... Who knows what'll if he's still alive and all of sudden drops down in front u-

The White Fang Member gets interrupted by (Y/N) dropping down in front of them as the rest of the team follows.

(Y/N): 'Sup?

White Fang Member 1: Listen; kids are not allowed in here! So I suggest; you surrender yourselves or we just might have to kill y-

White Fang Member 2: (trembling) Azazel....

White Fang Member 1: What?


Cuts to Ruby being dragged on the floor by Roman's cane that is attached to her hood.

Roman: I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve! Let me make this clear: We're not through here yet.

A massive explosion sounds, causing Roman to look up.

Roman: Oh, what the... Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that? Kinda in the middle of something.

Perry nods and goes off to investigate the explosion just as another one sounds.

Roman: (annoyed) WHAT is going on here?!

A third explosion sounds and multiple White Fang members come running around the corner,

White Fang Member: (running) HE'S BACK! HE'S BAAAAACK!

Some firing at an unknown enemy as (Y/N) dashes and grabs the member who was firing then throws him away.

Roman: Oh no....

Weiss, Blake, Yang, Zwei and Oobleck run around the corner, much to Roman's annoyance. Ruby decides to take this moment to try and escape. She jumps on Roman's shoulders, pulls his hat down over his eyes, and then flees towards her friends.

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