Chapter 10: Forever Fall Part 2

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All of the students are gathering saps, as (Y/N) is helping Pyrrha. Pyrrha is asking questions about the 'incident' last night, while (Y/N) is getting some sap.

(Y/N): It's nothing really.

Pyrrha: Are you sure? Because I heard Jaune, yelling.

(Y/N): Yes, I'm sure. (turns to Pyrrha) Last night was just man talk.

Pyrrha: Well.....if you say so.

(Y/N) then puts a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder.

(Y/N): Jaune can take care of himself, just, you know, believe in him, like you always do.

Pyrrha smiles as soon she her that, taking the jar that is filled with sap off of (Y/N) hands.

Pyrrha: Thank you for helping (Y/N). (walks away)

(Y/N): Anytime!

Pyrrha: (turns back at Y/N) I mean from last night. I think Jaune really needed it.

(Y/N): Hey, he's my friend too.

They share a smile then Pyrrha walks away with the sap. Weiss then approaches (Y/N) with a worried expression.

Weiss: H-Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): (turns around to see Weiss) Weiss! What's up?

Weiss: Well.......about....last night....

Then the rest of Team RWBY appears behind Weiss, also worried.

(Y/N): *sigh* You guys heard it to, huh?

Meanwhile, the roar of the giant Ursa is heard.

Ruby: (getting up, concerned) Did you guys hear that?

Suddenly, the remaining members of Team CRDL are seen running the other way from the roar through the other students.

Russel: (looking back) Ursa! Ursa! (he runs into Yang accidentally)

Yang: What?! (completely unfazed by his collision, she picks him up by the front of his shirt) Where?

Russel: (struggling and still running in air, but points back from where they came) Back there! It's got Cardin!

Pyrrha: (dropping her jar of sap) Jaune!

Ruby: (going into leader mode) Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch! (dropping Russel, Yang and Blake nod before following the orders)

Pyrrha: (to Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie as she and Ruby activate their weapons) You two, go with them! There could be more!

(Y/N): I'll go with them! You guys get those two out of there!

Pyrrha and Ruby: Right!

Cardin is attempting to run from the following Ursa, but it leaps over its prey and claws him away. He tries to get up and crawl away.

Cardin: Crap! Crap, crap!

Pyrrha: (she, Ruby, and Weiss come on to the scene) Oh, no!

They watch as the Ursa leans over the helpless victim, raising its paw and swiping it down... only to be blocked by Jaune's shield, Crocea Mors. He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him.

 He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him

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