Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 3

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Somewhere deep inside the forest, the leaves on the trees are blocking the sunlight while Dante is strolling along, casually.

Dante: "Walk straight until you see a large tomb." I've had enough of this tomb raiding business. Next time, Morrison, give me a real job. *sighs* I knew I should've switched with (Y/N)... Then again...


Last night.

(Y/N) walks out of the office, holding his "date" on the neck. he then uppercuts his "date" up in the air before walking back into the office as he then throws Dante out.

(Y/N): This time, don't bring any souvenirs!

He stated before slamming the doors shut.


Present day.

Dante: Geez... How's Patty better than who I brought in?

After a while, demons spawn in before him. He casually stands there for a brief moment until he smirks.

Dante: Finally, about time you guys showed up! It's not really nice to stalk on people, you know. I know I'm that good looking, but then again, come on, that's just rude and creepy.

One demon charges forward. Dante flips into the air as he bounces off the charging demon. Mid-air, another demon dashes towards him as Dante quickly shoots it. While still in the air, two demons dash towards him on both sides as Dante shoots them both simultaneously.

He bounces off a red glyph before flipping his entire body as he starts raining down bullets around the area with a quick spin.

As he lands back on the ground, the demons disintegrate. One demon, on the other hand, is about to slice him on half as he stops him by putting his gun on his mouth. He then fires his gun before twirling back on his holster.

Dante: Tsk... And here I thought that it's going to be exciting.

Disappointed, he then proceeds to walk forward. At least what he thought that it was forward as he stops for a moment to look at his surroundings.

Dante: Great... 

???: Quite in a pickle there, ain't ya?

The voice came from behind. Dante turns around to see who said it. 


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