Volume 8 Chapter 3: SHLD Forces

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Somewhere in an abandoned city, in an abandoned bar, Haytham Saxe is behind the counter, making his drink, while a recorded video of a teenage-girl in a wheelchair is playing, playing the piano in a calming, rhythmic tone.

After making his drink, he vaults the counter, grabs a chair and then watches the video. He stares into the pianist with sadness in his eyes as he takes a sip of his drink.

Suddenly, Lucas enters the bar and see Haytham.

Lucas: Haytham.

Haytham: Hey, boy scout. Came here to arrest me?

Lucas: Nothing like that.

Haytham mutes the video.

Haytham: How's it goin'? You... uh... want a drink?

Lucas: I'm good.

Haytham: Good... At least somebody is...

He stated as he finishes his drink and slams the glass on the counter.

Lucas: Why did you do that?

Haytham: Do what?

Lucas: Blow up the whole coliseum?!

Haytham: Look at that... Captain Lucas Cardinal asking me why I stopped him from recovering the connection in the tower.

Suddenly, (Y/N) barges in the bar along with Team RWBY, who are trying to stop (Y/N).

(Y/N): Just tell us why already, you asswipe!

Ruby: (Y/N), please!

Haytham: Hmph... Mean look, salty-language... Kid reminds me of someone we used to know, Lucas.

Lucas: You'd be surprised.

Haytham: Oh?

Lucas: This is (Y/N) (L/N). His last name should be the hint.

Haytham: ..... Hehe.... Well whaddaya know? I'd say "Congratulations" to him, but I guess I'm a little too late.

(Y/N): We asked you a question.

Haytham: Right, the Tower.

Lucas: Why did you destroy.

Haytham: Perhaps, you've forgotten, Lucas. The Tower was made by Arthur Watts himself.

Yang: If this is about us not reading the history books, then forgive us for not paying attention.

She said sarcastically.

Haytham: Believe me, kid, we didn't have to read it. We saw it with our very own eyes.

(Y/N): What?

Haytham: Once upon a time, there was a teenage who dreamed of making a coliseum that can transform the stage into different types of settings. People didn't acknowledge his creation and soon after, he grew a mustache and became the bad guy.

Ruby: ... That was... a perfect summary.

Yang: So, you destroyed the tower just because he made it?

Haytham: "Just"? You guys were trying to transfer files from, possibly, the world's smartest man's own creation. He was one step ahead. Salem knew you were going back for the Tower.

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