Team SHLD: Sonya Goodwitch

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Fifteen years ago.

It is nighttime in the streets of Vale. Somewhere in an alleyway, a group of men in suits is carrying boxes of dusts, loading it on the truck. Suddenly, a man with a familiar figure emerges out of the shadows, in the corner of the alleyway...

 Suddenly, a man with a familiar figure emerges out of the shadows, in the corner of the alleyway

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Roman: Come on, boys, let's get moving! These dusts aren't gonna load themselves!

After a while, they finally finished loading the dusts on the truck.

"All done, boss."

Roman: Finally! You, idiots, are no better than the White Fang, I'll tell you that much. Let's go! Let's go!

"What about the civilians?"

One of his henchmen stated, pointing at the tied up civilians that are laying on the ground.

Roman: What about them? Leave them. I don't care. They're bound to escape anyway.

With that said, all of them finally got inside the truck and drove off, leaving the civilians in the store.

Driver: That was a good haul, boss!

Roman: Meh, I've had better. You boys need to work more on your muscles, I noticed almost EVERYONE OF YOU WERE STRUGGLING TO CARRY JUST ONE BOX!

Stating the last part as if to call out the other henchmen in the back of the truck.

"We're sorry, boss!"

"Hey, at least we got out of there clean. Right, boss?"

Roman: Barely! One of them almost pushed the emergency button. If I weren't there to stop that idiot, we would've been--


One of his henchmen yelled and point out the car in front of them, that had just arrived. 

Driver: The brake's jammed!

Roman: Oh, just ram into them. It's just a car. We're in a truck, for Pete's sa--

After bumping into the car, their truck flips over the car and starts tumbling across the street. Leaving the car undamaged. Roman and his henchmen survived the crash. They exited the truck, all ragged and bruised, and point their weapons at the car.

Roman: Alright! Out of the car! Don't make this harder than it already is!

He yelled though the driver didn't listen.

Roman: I'm not in the mood, driver! Get out! Now!

The driver of the car then slowly exits the car...

The driver of the car then slowly exits the car

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