Volume 4 Chapter 0: A Little Bit Of Summer Rose By My Side

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Somewhere deep in the woods. 

(Y/N) is seen to be sleeping with his back against the tree with his arms crossed. The ray of  sunlight starts to wake him as he slowly groans and opens his eyes. He lifts his head up to see above him, looking at the leaves of the trees almost blocking the sun. 

It is peaceful and quiet as the wind starts to brush in his direction. He slowly falls back to sleep until someone's lips appears near his right ear.


(Y/N) abruptly stands up, screaming for pain, as he covers his right ear. He then turns to a smiling Summer with an irritated look.

(Y/N): WHY?!

Summer: (happily jumps up to stand with her fist raised) Today is the day!

(Y/N): Of what?! Getting my first hearing aid?! Jesus, you do this every time!

Summer: It's the way to pump things up! Come on, (Y/N), show me some positive energy!


Summer: That's the spirit!

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Summer: That's the spirit!

(Y/N): Whatever. (walks away)

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) is walking through the forest with Summer floating beside him.

Summer: By the way, I'm just curious. How a guy like you, with tons of girls in his hands....

(Y/N): W-What?

Summer: Isn't that attached?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Summer: I mean... Don't you want a girlfriend?

(Y/N): It's not like that I don't like having one... I just don't get all hyped like everyone else.

Summer: Oh come on... What's your type?

(Y/N): Really?

Summer appears in front of (Y/N) making him stop.

Summer: Come on! Tell me! What is it you like in girls?

(Y/N): Summer...

Summer vanishes in front of him, then appears on the nearby tree, looking middle aged.



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