Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 2

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Back in the post-apocalyptic world, it is a cloudy afternoon, John White and Lucy Kuo are on the rooftop of one of the abandoned buildings.

Lucy: That man... He's not from this world.

John: Most likely. Just another lost civilian.

Lucy: What about that kid he picked up?

John: He seems like one. He's got potential, if we're able to get him on our side then that'll be the start. Rift Walker or not, it doesn't matter as long as we have strong allies on our side

Lucy: What about the ri--

John: THE RIFT SANCTUM will not find out about this! As long as we remain invisible in their radar we should be fine. *sighs* Ziv has been the commanding leader far enough. A millennium of research and protection we still couldn't get any answers. 

Lucy: R-Right.

John: The world was already dead, to begin with. What we were doing was to just slow down the inevitable. Thousands of years and we still don't have a solution! The world already struggled enough, it's time to put an end to their meaningless lives.


Back inside Devil May Cry, (Y/N) is dodging the broom, holding by the girl, from before as it proceeds to only make a mess out of Dante's office.


He stated as he dodges the next attack, hitting the jukebox.

(Y/N): Not the jukebox! I just fixed it!

???: What the hell are you doing here?!

(Y/N): I told you, I work here!

(Y/N) is now backed against Lady's weapon, Kalina Ann, that is hanging on Dante's weapon display. Without realizing it, (Y/N) dodges the broom as it hits Lady's weapon. Kalina Ann falls from the weapon display as it breaks into two.

???: Oh no!

(Y/N): Oh shit! That's Lady's!

???: You know Lady?

(Y/N): Yes! I keep telling you, I work here! Oh man, Lady's gonna kill me when she finds out about this.

???: Prove it!

(Y/N): Prove how?

???: Show me your Devil May Cry I.D.

(Y/N): Since when did Dante make I.D's?

???: .... Okay, you really do work here.

(Y/N): Ugh... (starts gathering the weapon's fallen parts) Whatever. I gotta find someone that can fix this, before Lady...... *gulp* Does that to me again...


Three days earlier. 

(Y/N) is struggling to do some push-ups with Lady sitting on his back while Dante and Trish are enjoying their pizza.

(Y/N): 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038....

Dante: Never bet against the ladies, (Y/N). I learned that the hard way.

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