Volume 3 Chapter 1: Round One

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Opens with a view of the golden sun in an orange sky over the tall grass and autumn trees. (Y/N) is seen to be standing at the Beacon cliff while staring at the distance. (Y/N) closes his eyes for a moment, and after he opens his eyes, he turns around and sees the woman. Who seems to be leaning against the tree, smiling at him.

 Who seems to be leaning against the tree, smiling at him

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(Y/N): You...

???: All alone up here, huh? *giggles* Kinda like what your father would do....

(Y/N): Who are you? How do you know my dad?

Summer: My name is Summer Rose. I attended Beacon Academy with your dad.

(Y/N): I see..... Wait! Rose?!

Summer: Summer Rose, yeah.

(Y/N): .....You're Ruby and Yang's mother....

Summer: *giggles* The one and only...

(Y/N): (pulls out scroll) I gotta go tell-

Summer: You might wanna stop there....

(Y/N): Why?!

Summer: Well, I don't know how, but..... You're the only one in reality who can see me.

(Y/N): What?...... How? Or maybe I'm going crazy!

Summer: To be honest; I don't know either, I've been wanting to ask you that.... What happened to you before you saw me?

(Y/N) thinks for a second.

(Y/N): The Apple!

Summer: The Apple of Eden?

(Y/N): I-It could be a hunch, but.... See, I somehow absorbed its energy, then after that; I saw you peeking in their room...

Summer: Why would it give you its energy?

(Y/N): ..... I don't know....

Summer giggles in response.

(Y/N): What?

Summer: Nothing. It's just; it's like I'm talking to (F/N).... You two are very similar.... *giggles* "Like father like son."

(Y/N): (looks down) Yeah....

Summer: I'm so sorry....

(Y/N): Yeah.... Me too....

Summer looks up for a moment then extends a hand on (Y/N).

Summer: I wanna show you something...

(Y/N) hesitantly grabs her hand as they teleported someplace else.


They seem to have teleported to some other cliff where they see Summer's Gravestone and a young girl with a cloak billowing petals in the breeze. Hands clasped and hood up, Ruby Rose stands over the white stone memorial.

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