Volume 8 Chapter 2: The Lost Bird

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As the group finally escaped the Grimm invasion in Atlas, the Grimm are scattered all over Atlas, knocking down buildings and some fighting with each other. Meanwhile, the giant whale Grimm lands next outside the broken windows on Ironwood's office, where Salem walks inside accompanied by two knight Grimms.


Salem had just arrived inside the Atlas Vault, staring at the opened golden door, where the Staff of Creation is nowhere to be seen. She hears a thud behind her. She turns and see a Grimm holding Fria on its shoulder, where the Grimm then dumps her lifeless body to the ground as Salem stares.

Salem: Scattered like ants, but left their queen dead.

She turns her focus back on the open door, only to notice the bombs, from Robyn Hill, are still attached.


Meanwhile, inside the SHLD Airship, General Ironwood is watching the explosion of Atlas Academy from the airship window as Lucas joins him.

Lucas: How are you holding up, James?

Ironwood: I'm watching my own kingdom getting destroyed. I think you know what I'm feeling.

Lucas: Well, at least we have your people safe.

Ironwood: ...

Lucas: I had also heard from your specialist that you lied about the communications tower, in order to draw out Watts. Not the best idea, if you ask me.

Ironwood: I did what I had to.

Lucas: You did. And thanks to that, we're here. Keeping secrets from the citizens I understand, but to your fellow men? Not a very general thing to do.

Ironwood: And I assume you would do better?!

He exclaimed at Lucas.

Lucas: I know I wouldn't lie to the men I trust. You're lucky that your fellow Ace Ops are still on your side. Despite your despicable decisions.

Ironwood: Why are you here? Why did you come?

Lucas: Because you're you. You're going to repeat the same mistake? The one you made after the last invasion in Atlas?

Ironwood: I protected Atlas that time. I made no mistake whatsoever.

Lucas: Really? Abandoning everyone in Mantle wasn't a mistake?

Ironwood: ... That in which you SHLD Forces chose to ignore my orders and saved them.

Lucas: I did my job.

Ironwood: Protecting only a quarter of what was left of Mantle.

Lucas: ...

Ironwood: I saved Atlas. The sacrifices of the people of Mantle that day was a price we had to pay.

Lucas: ...There is much I could to say in that response...  I could even punch you while saying it. But let's focus on what were you doing earlier rather than what you did back then. Were you really planning on abandoning Mantle again?

Ironwood: It was the only option.

Lucas: You should've called for us then. We could've protected both Mantle and Atlas.

Ironwood: ...

Lucas: You're too accustomed to sacrifice something to achieve your goals.

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