Team SHLD: (F/N) (L/N)

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It is nighttime,  a gang of outlaw, known as the "Branwen Tribe", is holding a camp inside deep in the forest. Inside the wooden walls of the camp, three gang members are counting stacks of Lien, placed on the table.

Branwen Grunt 1: Not bad. Not bad...

Branwen Grunt 2: Man, I can slap someone with this many Lien.

Branwen Grunt 3: That was a good haul. Unlike the kid we took from, earlier.

Branwen Grunt 2: Did you kill him?

Branwen Grunt 3: Shot him right through his head.

Branwen Grunt 1: He was a kid. What did you expect from, have a million in his wallet?

Branwen Grunt 3: You got a point... Almost felt bad for the poor bastard.

Branwen Grunt 2: Yeah. Did you see the look on his face. *laugh* We didn't even give him the time to use his weapon.

Branwen Grunt 1: Yes, well, that's you get for running in the woods alone. His mommy is probably going to run into the forest and find him.

Branwen Grunt 2: Too bad, he's dead.

Branwen Grunt 3: You guys got his weapon, right?

Branwen Grunt 1: It's right over there.

One of the grunts point at the weapon displayed at the pile of stolen weapons.

Branwen Grunt 1: He's got a nice weapon. Too bad he didn't get to use it.

Suddenly, the camp entrance explodes as the gate flies off into the distance.

Branwen Grunt 2: What the hell?!

Afterwards, a flash bang was thrown and exploded at the center of the camp, blinding everyone for a few seconds. As soon as they all regain their vision, they see a teenage boy taking down a couple of gang members, unarmed. 

The boy dashes towards the pile of weapons, while dodging the oncoming bullets, grabs Angel Tears. He then turns around and deflect some of the bullets, stunning everyone with complete shock after taking a good look at the boy's appearance.

 He then turns around and deflect some of the bullets, stunning everyone with complete shock after taking a good look at the boy's appearance

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(F/N): Nobody steals Angel Tears from me!

"What the... I thought he was dead!"

"Didn't he get shot in the head?"

Branwen Grunt 1: Hey, didn't you shoot him in his head?

Branwen Grunt 3: I did! I shot him up close, I swea--

(F/N) fires his weapon at one of the grunts, silencing the grunt by shooting his head.

(F/N): Now it's my turn.

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