Volume 6 Chapter 7: Declaim

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Somewhere in the forest road, Yang Xiao Long is driving Bumblebee with Blake Belladonna sitting behind while listening to Terra Cotta-Arc's instructions. (Y/N) (L/N) is catching up to them with lightning speed. 

(Y/N): Remind me why I can't just march in and let you guys take the ship again.

Jaune: (over the radio) We've already had Cordovin's attention before, and it didn't work out quite well, remember? We don't want anymore attention than we already have.

(Y/N): Got it.

Weiss: (over the radio) We're on board.

Ruby: (over the radio) Alright, we'll all watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower, that'll mean she's out of range of the radar too.

Yang: And that's when Blake steps in. We're almost at the drop off.

Terra: Okay, remember: one, the radar box is seperate from the rest of the communications equipment. So if you disconnect it properly, it won't take out comms for the rest of the city. Two, this conversation never happened.

Blake: Don't worry, this isn't the first time I've disabled Atlas security.

Terra stares back with an unamused look.

Terra: Never. Happened.

Yang arrives at the drop off point. Blake steps off the bike and proceeds forward.

Yang: You sure we shouldn't come with?

Blake: More intruders means we're more likely to be seen. Besides, stealth isn't exactly your, um...

Yang stares back at Blake with her arms crossed.

Blake: I mean, you're great! And I'll hurry back.

Yang: (softening her expression) Go.

Blake smiles back at her before heading off.

Blake: (over the radio) Heading in on foot. Won't be long.

Jaune: (over the radio) Yes! It's all going to plan! .... Ahem... I mean, uh... Roger. Remember Blake, if all things go south over there Krystal and Lena are nearby. You two in position?


On the relay tower's entrance, Krystal and Lena knocks out both of the guards that guarding the entrance. 

Krystal: We're here.

Lena: (to the knocked out guard) Sorry.

They see Blake running towards the entrance. Krystal holds the gate for her as she dashes in.

Blake: Thanks.

Krystal: (to the radio) She's here.

Jaune: (over the radio) You two sure you're up for this? You two will be one of the most wanted people in Atlas too, if we pull this off. We won't fault either of you if you leave now.

Krystal: We're sure. Besides, this isn't our first rodeo.

Ruby: (over the radio) Sounds good.


Back to Yang and (Y/N), who are now leaning against bumblebee.

(Y/N): Good. Now all we have to do is wait.

Yang is staring at the ground. Yang's left hand starts to shake. (Y/N) notice Yang's situation as he reaches his right hand to her left hand to steady it. 

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