Volume 3 Chapter 6: Not Again...

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Inside (Y/N)'s room, where (Y/N) is looking at the replay of the battle between Yang and Mercury, on his scroll.

Inside (Y/N)'s room, where (Y/N) is looking at the replay of the battle between Yang and Mercury, on his scroll

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(Y/N): ....

(Y/N) getting more and more irritated of figuring this out, he throws his scroll away, as he lies down on his bed.

(Y/N): *sighs* There's gotta be something....

(Y/N) then looks at his right palm as he begins to remember the time when he and Mercury had a spar back at Glynda's class.

(Y/N): .... It did felt kinda heavy....

(Y/N) closes his eyes for a brief moment, then sits back up with a surprised look.

(Y/N): Wait a minute!

Summer: What is it?

Summer is seen to be inches close to (Y/N)'s face, causing (Y/N) to jump away.

(Y/N): GOD FUCK- (bumps on the wall, head first) GAH! Aaaaagghhhhh shit....

Summer: OK.... I was a bit too far...

(Y/N): (rubbing his head) YOU THINK?!

(Y/N) stands back up, covering his head, as he walks back to his bed.

Summer: So, what was your "conclusion?"

(Y/N): (sits back down) I sparred with that guy earlier...

Summer: That Mercury fellow?

(Y/N): Yeah, him. When I blocked his kicks, it felt a bit heavy...

Summer: Well, it is a "kick".....

(Y/N): No, I mean; I heard a creaking sound, every time I blocked it.

Summer: So....

(Y/N): ....

Summer: Wait.... So you're saying, Mercury, has prosthetic legs?

(Y/N): It's a hunch....

Summer looks at (Y/N)'s scroll on the ground, replaying the part where her step-daughter punched Mercury on his legs.

Summer: Then, why was he in pain?

(Y/N): He could be acting....

Summer: *sighs* (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Look, I know it sounds ridiculous and somewhat a childish excuse, but it could've been.... I mean this is Yang we're talking about...

Summer: (Y/N)... (sits beside him as she turns him around to check the bump on his head) I know Yang wouldn't do such a thing, but the video says it all...

(Y/N): But, Yang said; he attacked first! And she doesn't look like that she's lying!

Summer: Then what was the video all about?

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