Chapter 6: The Badge and the Burden

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I'm at Uncle Ozpin's office, talking about the real reason why I'm still in Beacon Academy, and how I'm going to be living for the next 4 years. I'm standing in front of Ozpin's desk, Ozpin is sitting, with Glynda standing beside him.

(Y/N): Solo, huh?

Ozpin: Yes. Since you've never made eye contact with anyone who didn't have a pair yet in the initiation, you're going to work solo for the next 4 years.

(Y/N): (Good enough!)

Ozpin: Now, (Y/N). Do you know what this is?

He then holds the artifact that was at the top of his desk.

He then holds the artifact that was at the top of his desk

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(Y/N): No idea...

Ozpin: This, is the Apple of Eden.

(Y/N): (Amen!)

Glynda: This artifact hasn't been found since the start of Beacon Academy.

(Y/N): Wait. There was someone else who tried to find that?

Ozpin: Tried but failed, you are the only one who found it, no one even knew it even exist.

(Y/N): But, how'd you guys know it was hidden inside the temple?

Glynda: We didn't.

Ozpin: See, (Y/N), we've also been searching for this artifact, and our theories says that the artifact is in the temple.

(Y/N): So technically, it's not part of the rest of the artifacts of the initiation?

Glynda: Yes, we were surprised that you found it without any difficulties.

(Y/N): Well, not really, I mean, I've been searching for three hours whilst protecting others, so....

Ozpin: Yes, but how did you know it was beneath the temple?

He said as he puts the artifact back down on his desk.

(Y/N): Just a hunch, and it was very cliched, I mean, detective movies and all....

Ozpin: I see...

Ozpin smiled.

(Y/N): So...what can it do?

Ozpin: For the sake of Remnant, I think it is best for anyone not to know.

Glynda: What we do know is that it is the key to end humanity.

(Y/N): Damn... Then maybe it's the reason why it was hidden, wasn't it? I mean, for people to not know what it is, because of us being irresponsible, and stuff?

Ozpin: For now we don't know what it can do, what Glynda said was just one our theories, so it's best to say that this artifact, shouldn't be known by the public, until further research.

(Y/N): I don't think that's a good idea......

Ozpin: We will find out in the future. For now, go to your dorm, and get some rest, you've got a big day ahead of you.

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