Volume 7 Chapter 5: The Rich And The Innocent

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It is morning in Atlas. Inside the Atlas Academy, General Ironwood is walking along the hallway along with Winter Schnee beside him as the students greet them as they walk past each other. After awhile they bump into (Y/N), who just emerged from the intersection.

Ironwood: Good morning, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh. General Ironwood, good morning. I was just looking for you.

Ironwood: Walk with me then.

(Y/N) then joins Ironwood and Winter in walking while they talk.

(Y/N): I've heard one of the Ace Ops took something from me.

Ironwood: Something from you?

(Y/N): Yeah. You know? The... "You-Know-What" I picked up from Beacon.

Winter: You mean the Apple of Eden?

(Y/N): You know?

Ironwood: I told her. Are you looking for it?

(Y/N): Yes, sir.

Ironwood: You're in luck, we're on our way to see it.


(Y/N) then follows Ironwood and Winter into Ironwood's office. 

Ironwood: Over there.

Ironwood points at the bag that is displayed on the tall table, placed at the far left of Ironwood's office.

(Y/N): Huh... That wasn't there yesterday.

Winter: I ordered the officials to pull it out of the bag last night, but couldn't. It was too hazardous. Almost had one of my men's hand burnt off from simply touching it. So, we left it as is.

Ironwood: (walks behind his desk to sit down) After you and others got here, we saw a footage of you using it back in Beacon... and...

Ironwood then displays a holographic footage of (Y/N) using the Apple back in Beacon. The Apple shines bright as all of the Grimm either disintegrate or starts targeting one another, long before (Y/N) finally passes away as the slides down from his hand.

(Y/N): Back in Beacon...

Winter: You remember anything of what happened?

(Y/N): I remember everything of what happened... 

Ironwood then fast forwards the video. Skipping the part from first night then stopping in the second night of the video, where the Apple beside (Y/N) starts glowing long after (Y/N) starts moving again.

Ironwood: What is strange about this is that we have received no reports or signs of a teenage Huntsman fitting your description being involved in Argus nor in Haven Academy. Until Team RWBY told us.

(Y/N): That is strange.

Winter: You don't think that the Apple has anything to do with (Y/N)'s resurrection, do you?

Ironwood: Well, it didn't glow for no reason that's for sure. So, maybe. It's the only reasonable explanation.

Winter: It's just hard to believe, sir.

Ironwood: I know.

While silence fills the air, (Y/N) walks over to his bag. After unzipping his bag, the Apple inside starts glowing, filling half of the room with its light. (Y/N) then slowly grabs the Apple.

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