Volume 4 Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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(Y/N) is seen to walking on a dirt road, with nothing but grass and trees in the background, as the sunrises. (Y/N) checks his scroll for the time, puts it back in his pocket and continues to walk with his new "Outfit." (NOTE: Again, I'll let you guys decide.)

While (Y/N) is walking, he continues to chat with Summer, who keeps disappearing and reappearing beside (Y/N) whenever he passes her by.

Summer: Three days...

(Y/N): Uh huh.

Summer: Nearly, three days, and not a single inn we've encountered. We haven't slept in a normal bed!

(Y/N): "I." "I" haven't slept in a normal bed. You're dead.

Summer: (appears sitting on the tree branch with an annoyed look and crossed arms) You make it sound so easy... You've died once, you know!

(Y/N): (ignoring) Uh huh.

Summer: And you almost died, again! With that little "drowning" incident.

(Y/N): I'm glad you cared...

Summer: But then again, it's no big deal for you.

(Y/N): No big dea- (stops walking and faces Summer who just appeared on his right) Do you have any idea how much drowning hurts?!

Summer: And there's that bandit guy!

(Y/N): (continues walking) Here we go...

Summer: Could've just paid the blonde guy wearing a scarf, but noooo, you had to knock his tooth out.

(Y/N): At least it's not his front tooth. And that guy was annoying! (stops walking and faces Summer who just appeared on his left) His name suits him well! What is it again? Shay...

Summer: Something about "shady."

(Y/N): Whatever. (continues walking) That guy and his little boyfriends deserved it. "Give them money or I'm dead," what a joke...

Summer: Say; where do you even get your money?

(Y/N): I still have Uncle Oz's bank account. The man's rich, I'll tell you that!

Summer: I see.... Do you miss your friends, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Of course I do! It's just.... I'm just guessing that things between them got a little complicated. Knowing what happened to Beacon.

Summer: I guess... What about Penny?

(Y/N): ...

Summer: Too much?

(Y/N): *sighs* I guess...

Summer: .... Where're we even going?

(Y/N): "I'M" going to where the nearest village is.

Summer: And where is that?

(Y/N): No idea.

Summer: *scoffs* Listen to yourself! Do you even know where we are?!

(Y/N): Some place called "Anima?"

Summer: Really? Huh..... Guess we really came this far.... How do you keep going?

(Y/N): If you lived in a place filled with cannibals for three years, you'd pick up a thing or two.

Summer: Must've been rough...

(Y/N): Tell me about it.... I'm glad I left that place for good...

Summer: And here you are now.... Again.... Walking on your own, in the middle of nowhere.

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