Volume 5 Chapter 1: Welcome To Menagerie

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In the front room of the Belladonna Family Home, Ghira Belladonna and Sun Wukong burst in through the front door, angry. Kali Belladonna watches from the front porch.

Ghira: Unbelievable!

Sun: Total garbage!

Ghira lets out a growl, and he and Sun turn to each other.

Ghira and Sun: We can't let them get away with this!

Kali: (smiling) Well, at least you two can finally agree on something.

They look at her, then back at each other. Sun gives an awkward chuckle while rubbing his head, and Ghira glares slightly and growls, fists clenched. The three soon have their attention called to Blake Belladonna, who speaks up from the porch.

Blake: Guys. Everything's going to be okay.

A little while later, Sun and Khali sit on the floor at a square table as Khali pour themselves a cup of tea.

Khali: So, you know the two human boys?

Sun: Yes, ma'am! (Y/N) is one of my best friends!

Khali: (Y/N)?

Sun: He's the one with the messy hair and a bag.

Khali: I see.... What about the other boy?

Sun: Jeff? I barely know him.... Although...

Khali: What is it?

Sun: I don't know.... Jeff and (Y/N), never really got along.... I Wonder why they're traveling together....

Khali: Maybe... They finally made things up...

Sun: I guess.... How did they end up here, Mrs. B?

Khali: Beats me. When me and Ghira got outside for some air, we saw a bright light, after that the light somehow formed those two boys.

Sun: .... Is (Y/N) going to be okay?

Khali: He's still sleeping.

Sun: Man.... It's been three days...

Khali: I don't know what happened to them, but it sure made them tired.

Sun: No kidding...


Inside the room of the Belladonna Family, (Y/N) and Jeff are sleeping on two separate beds. (Y/N) slowly opens his eyes, groaning, then turns his head slowly to the side to see a worried Summer Rose.

(Y/N): S-Summer...?

Summer: You're okay!

(Y/N) tries to stand up, but the pain all over his body made him lie back down as Summer gently pushes him back down.

Summer: Take it easy! You're not ready to stand up yet!

(Y/N): *groans* Where is Jeff....?

Summer points at the bed where Jeff is sleeping on.

(Y/N): Where.... are we...?

Summer: Beats me. All I know is that the place is filled with faunus.

(Y/N): What?

Summer: You guys are the only humans here.

(Y/N): *groans* ..... How long I've been out?

Summer: Three days... How are you feeling?

(Y/N): I'd be lying if I didn't say "I'm hurt all over."

Summer: *giggles* Still making jokes, huh?

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