Volume 7 Chapter 12: Heart Be Turned To Stone

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Inside Atlas Academy, in the foyer, Team RWBY are seen to be knocked out with bolas tied to their wrists. The Elm then carries Weiss and Ruby on her shoulders and Vine holding Blake and Yang with his Semblance.

Harriet: (to the communicator) We got Team RWBY secured.

Ironwood: (through the communicator) "And Team JNPR?"

Harriet: Gone missing.

Ironwood: "Oscar Pine?"

Harriet: Also missing. There's a high chance that he's with Team JNPR, though.

Ironwood: "Okay. Good work, Ace Ops. Put Team RWBY in their cells, along with Qrow and Robyn. And find Team JNPR and Oscar Pine afterwards."

Harriet: Yes, sir. Over and out.

Marrow: This is all wrong...

Elm: What's wrong?

Marrow: What do you mean?! We were told to arrest them, yet you all fought you're all trying to kill them! 

Harriet: It was either them or us, Marrow.

Marrow: You were being excessive!

Harriet: It's not excessive if it's necessary. Now come on. Let's put them behind bars.


At the very bottom of Atlas Academy, Robyn Hill and Qrow Branwen are seen locked behind bars, sitting on the prison bench. The Ace Ops have arrived with Team RWBY on their shoulders, as Qrow quickly got up all worried.

Qrow: Oh no...

Harriet opens the cell for Elm and Vine to throw Team RWBY in, making Qrow angry.

Qrow: You bastards! Take it easy, they're just kids!

Harriet: Good thing they aren't mine.

After slamming the cell door closed, all of the Ace Ops walk away.

Qrow: You heartless pricks! Your leader was murdered and all you care about is literally throwing us in jail?!

Harriet: Spare us the friendship philosophies. As if you know anything about that.

She stated before closing the prison door behind her, leaving Team RWBY, Qrow and Robyn locked in prison.


Robyn: Hey, calm down, Qrow. We need to think of a way to get out of here. Once we start planning the better.

Qrow: Oh shut up! You know that this is all your fault, right? Convincing Ironwood to tell everyone about Salem.

Robyn: So what, we just let the people walk around without knowing reality?

Qrow: You're the one to talk about reality, Ms. Hill. Ever since you knew about Salem, you got all panicky and in denial. And that was just a few hours ago! And now you're telling me that hiding reality is a bad thing?!

Robyn: I may have acted that way after knowing Salem, but I sucked it up! I'm not some hypocrite claiming that she wants to know the truth without preparing to face the consequences.

Qrow: Well you should look in the mirror and ask yourself that, once in a while. 

Robyn: The people deserves to know, Mr. Branwen!

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