Volume 7 Chapter 1: The Greatest Kingdom

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Manta airships patrol the skies around the City of Atlas, keeping in communication with each other over radio. As Maria Calavera pilots the group's stolen Manta toward the city, they receive radio contact.

Atlas Air Traffic Female: Manta 5-1. Welcome home. Please continue your approach to Atlas docking bay Omega-12. A security team will meet you there. Over.

Everyone aboard Manta 5-1 look around at the large military air fleet surrounding the capital.

Ruby: I don't understand. What's happening here?

Qrow: I don't know.

Jaune: But we are here. We got the lamp to Atlas, so I guess we land and get some answers.

Weiss: I'm not so sure. I've never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before. If we land in a stolen ship, there's no way the security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood. They might even take me back to my father.

Blake Belladonna gains a saddened look, while Ruby and Yang Xiao Long look at each other, uncertain of what to do.

Jeff: A little too much for a stolen ship, don't you think?

(Y/N): I don't think a stolen ship is the reason why they're like this.

Weiss: Winter!

Weiss brings out her scroll.

Weiss: (to Maria) Put some distance between us and the fleet.

Maria: You don't have to tell me twice.

As Weiss walks to the back of the ship, Maria steers the ship toward. As people wander the streets of Mantle, the group looks over the city through the Manta's windows.

 As people wander the streets of Mantle, the group looks over the city through the Manta's windows

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They fly past a giant screen on the side of a skyscraper

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They fly past a giant screen on the side of a skyscraper. Ironwood's voice comes from the screen, catching everyone's attention.

 Ironwood's voice comes from the screen, catching everyone's attention

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