Volume 6 Chapter 5: Sanity Break

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Inside the shed, (Y/N), Krystal and Lena are fighting off the three so-called "Nezperdian" creatures. In a series of trading blows, dodging attacks and clashing weapons, almost wrecking the inside of the shed they are in.

Lena is fighting the one with a hand-blade. After series of trading blows, dodging attacks and clashing weapons....

 After series of trading blows, dodging attacks and clashing weapons

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Lena kicks the creature a few inches away. She then jumps and slice down her sword onto the creature, only for it to block her sword with his hand-blade then throws her to the side before Lena dashes back in. Lena was able to strike her sword twice on the creature's chest as it gushes out blood. The creature, unfazed while its chest heals, thrusts its hand-blade forward where Lena was barely able to block it, but manages to slide through Lena's sword, scratching her cheek.

She then slices its hand-blade off. Before she could lodge her sword onto it, the creature suddenly forms another blade from its still attached hand, as it strikes it down onto Lena. Lena jumps back away from the attack. As she lands back down, she menacingly watches the creature form a new hand-blade from the arm she sliced off, now bearing two hand-blades. She fixes her stance before dashing back to the creature to continue their fight.    

Meanwhile, Krystal is fighting the creature with the sharp claws. The creature stretches its claws from its left hand to her. Krystal jumps up to dodge it then slams her hands down on its claws, freezing it into place...

As she lands on the creatures left side, the creature slashes her with its free hand, by twisting its whole body clockwise

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As she lands on the creatures left side, the creature slashes her with its free hand, by twisting its whole body clockwise. Krystal was able to jump away, but barely dodges the attack as it scratched her jacket, almost exposing her stomach.

She clicks her tongue in irritation, upon noticing that part of her jacket was ripped off, after landing back on the ground as the creature breaks the ice before twisting its body back to its "normal" position in a contorted way. Krystal then gets serious as she spits out her unfinished lollipop before sliding to the creature, by making an ice-board with a sharp end.

The creature slams its claws to the ground, emerging giant spikes beneath Krystal. She manages to dodge and slide past all of it. Halfway from the creature, she then kicks her ice-board to it, stabbing through its chest before running towards it. Inches away from each other, the creature slices Krystal in half, only to find out that it was just Krystal's clone made of ice. Suddenly, the real Krystal slams down a giant icicle on top of the creature.

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