Volume 6: The Lightning Raptor

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Inside the school bus, while every student is doing each of their own thing, (Y/N) is staring outside the window whilst listening to some tunes on his phone to pass the time from all of the traffic. Until his friend James, sits next to him as he pulls one of (Y/N)'s earphones out of his ear while (Y/N) stoically sighs in response.

James: Hey, dude!

(Y/N): Well, never thought I'd get to see your stupid face again. How're you feeling? You still look pale.

James: I'm still a little sick, but I'll get through the day.

(Y/N): Have you checked it with the doctor yet?

James: Yeah... But they didn't tell me what has happened to me, even my parents wouldn't tell me. They said that it's for the best. For what? 

(Y/N): Well, it is very unusual...

James: You can say that again. I mean, these past two weeks I keep vomiting, get dizzy, loss of appetite, major diarrhea...

(Y/N): Okay, I've heard enough.

James: It's weird... There's this one where I only eat at dinner time for three straight days, and I still feel like taking a shi-- 

(Y/N): I SAID: I've heard enough, Jimmy!

James: So what'd I miss?

(Y/N): Nothing really.

James: Seriously?

(Y/N): Sir Harold isn't at school for four days, Ms. Johnson either... Even coach Jackson isn't feeling so hot.

James: Dude, what's going on today?

(Y/N): I don't--

Student: Hey check this out!



All of the students starts looking outside the window.

(Y/N): What the hell?

James: Let's check it out!

(Y/N) and James joined the group of students as they saw two civilians on the sidewalk eating another.


The police has entered the seen as they get out of the car then begins shouting at the two civilians.

Police 1: Ma'am, Sir! Step away from the.... corpse....

Police 2: Oh my God.

The two policemen draw their guns at the two civilians.

Police 1: Hands behind your head!

The two civilians slowly shifts their gaze at the police before they stand up and approach them.

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