Volume 8 Chapter 1: Grimm Escape

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NOTE: For those who didn't read my announcement! I will no longer be following the RWBY series! This will be MY OWN FANMADE AND LAST RWBY STORY. If you have any questions why, just ask me on my "Ask Me" book. Anyways, enjoy reading.

An giant Whale Grimm is slowly drifting towards Atlas, accompanied by an army of flying Beringel Grimms. Multiple Grimms have already arrived at Atlas grounds, where the Atlas Soldiers are trying to keep them at bay, escorting the civilians out of danger, with most of them getting killed so.


Meanwhile, in the Atlas helipad, Team RWBY is caring for the unconscious Qrow Branwen, the Happy Huntresses are pinning Harriet Brie and Team JNPR is caring for their leader. (Y/N), on the other hand, is watching the soldiers fending the Grimms from above, until Summer calls him out.

Summer: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Huh?

(Y/N) turns around and notice that Summer is right next to Pietro Polendina's chair, where Pietro has his guts hanging out of his stomach while holding Maria Calavera's eyeless head on his lap.

Summer: Put some electricity on his chair!

(Y/N): What?

Summer: JUST DO IT!

(Y/N) quickly dashes back towards Pietro and Maria's corpse and put his hand on Pietro's chair, charging it up with electricity as Summer leans closer towards Pietro's face.

Summer: His heart is beating!

(Y/N): What?

Summer: He's alive!

(Y/N): Seriously?

With his hand on the chair, (Y/N) feels Pietro's pulse on the side of his neck. Surprising their is a pulse.

(Y/N): Holy shit! General! Guys! Come over here!

He called everyone out as they all walk towards (Y/N).

Jaune: *groans*... What's going on?

(Y/N): He's alive!

Ironwood: What?!

(Y/N): Doctor Polendina is alive!

Ironwood: That's impossible! How?!

(Y/N): ... I think its his chair... It's somehow keeping him alive.

Ruby: Then what are we standing around here for?! We need to get him back to his lab and--

Suddenly, multiple winged Beringels land at the helipad.

Ren: Can never catch a break, can't we?

(Y/N): Oscar, get Pietro fixed in his lab, we'll hold these guys off!

The Belingels roar in unison.

Robyn: Be careful.

Robyn grabs the chair, while her team grabs all of the unconscious Ace Ops before rushing back inside the Atlas building, while Ironwood follows, carrying the unconscious Qrow along with him. All the while, Ren and Nora gets in front of their leader with their weapons ready.

Ren: Jaune, get inside! We'll take care of this!

Jaune: *groans* I can... still fight...

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