Volume 7 Chapter 9: Perturbation

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In (Y/N)'s point of view, finds himself running through a dark hallway, with piles of rubble and blood stained on the walls. He stops running after seeing a young blurry image of a girl, holding a sword as she starts running towards him. The blurry girl grabs him by the shoulders as she starts speaking to him, barely hearing what she is saying. Suddenly, the girl grabs his hand, dragging him behind her. She then points her weapon at another mysterious blurry figure standing before them.


After slowly opening his eyes, (Y/N) finds himself laying on a bed and his head top of Willow Schnee's lap whereas the first thing he sees after opening his eyes is her, watching him worryingly while caressing his hair and cheek.

Willow: You're awake.

(Y/N) didn't say anything as he kept staring at her.

Willow: Are you... okay?

He then notices a tear sliding down his cheek. He quickly sits back up to rub his eyes.

Willow: You were talking in your sleep.

(Y/N): ... I mean no disrespect, ma'am, but shouldn't you be calling the police?

Willow: If I wanted you arrested, I would've turned you in already.

(Y/N): ... Then why didn't you? Where am I?

He asked as he takes a look at his surroundings. A balcony, where the moonlight is shining through, a dusty room closet and dusty furnitures. 

Willow didn't reply as she simply hands him a glass of water with a warm smile. (Y/N) reluctantly accepts the water as he then drinks it.

Willow: You really don't remember, do you?

(Y/N): What?

Suddenly, his head starts to ache as the screams echoes in his head. Willow puts her hand on his cheek to comfort him.

Willow: No... Perhaps you do.

(Y/N): What're you talking about? It's just... my head hurts, that's all.

Willow: Is it?

(Y/N): Where am I?

Willow takes a moment to examine the bed.

Willow: ... I'm actually surprised that you don't remember...... But after what you've been through, I guess it's understandable.... (pointing at the other door next to the closet door) That door over there, leads to Weiss' room. She always comes over to wake you up.

(Y/N): Me?

He then hears a child's laughter, echoing through his mind. Suddenly, he starts to hallucinate as the dark dirty room they're both sitting on transitions into a bright clean room.


In the very same room, the sunlight shines through the window. The door, Willow pointed at, opens, revealing an 8 year old Weiss Schnee. Who is happily running towards the bed they are sitting on, where there is someone tucked in there.

Younger Weiss: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up!

Weiss pulls the sheets out of the 8 year old (Y/N) (L/N) off of him as she then happily starts bouncing on his bed.

Younger Weiss: WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

Younger (Y/N): *groans* .... What is it?

Younger Weiss: Klein made flan for breakfast! Now come on, wake up!

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