Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 4

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Downtown Red Grave City, Lady is at the top of the building, firing Kalina Ann at Dante. Dante deflects the oncoming missiles before dashing towards her as Lady fires her weapon to the side, giving her a boost to dash away. The missile she fired then turns around as it starts heading straight to Dante. Exploding as it hits Dante.

As Lady lands safely back to the ground. She turns her gaze back up at the smoke, where Dante bursts out as he is about to slam his sword down at Lady. Luckily, (Y/N) dashes in to save Lady, placing her to the other side.

(Y/N): You okay?

Lady: Yeah.

Lightning hits Dante from the back, coming from Trish.

Trish: Wake up, Dante!

Dante dashes towards Trish as Trish jumps to the side, to dodge Dante's sword. Afterwards, they start clashing their swords at each other. Dante winning the bout, she manages to kick Trish back. 

Lady: We gotta snap him out, somehow.

(Y/N): What about the civs?

Lady: Morrison already took care of 'em, it's just us.

(Y/N): That's all I needed to here. 

Dante then receives a lightning punch to the side of his cheek as (Y/N) takes Trish's place, making the two of them exchange blows. Dante swings his sword down as (Y/N) dodges it, by swaying to the side. He stomps Dantes sword down, preventing him to lift back up, using this momentum to spin kick Dante's face. However, Dante catches (Y/N)'s leg as he throws him to the side.

A missile explodes on his face, pushing him back a little. He then dashes to Lady. He swung sword to the side as Lady jumps and lands on top of it while charging her weapons to fire another missile. Lady then jumps away. Whilst Lady is still in mid-air, Dante swings his sword down where Lady blocks it just in time, but the force made her to fall down on the ground hard.

She parries Dante's sword to the side, jumps away, then fires a barrage of homing missiles at Dante. Where Dante shields himself with his wings, but still pushing him back a little.

After Dante unshields himself, he sees (Y/N) and Trish together, diving in on him with lightning streaking out of them. Dante dodges them both by getting in between them as the two roll over to the ground. Afterwards, (Y/N) and Trish charges forward, making it a two-on-one fight with Dante getting the advantage.

After a short while, Lady suddenly fires a missile, in which Dante deflects it to (Y/N). (Y/N) jumps up and rides the missile as turns back and head straight back to Dante. (Y/N) then kicks the missile, giving it more boost, while Dante simply deflects it. (Y/N) takes this chance to kick Dante's chest, sending Dante to crash on one of the buildings.

Dante roars, pushing the concrete away from him. (Y/N) dives in for a lightning kick. Dante then blocks him with his sword. As (Y/N) bounces off, Dante swings his sword down at (Y/N). (Y/N) managed to dash back away, but the sword was able to scratch his cheek as it bleeds for a brief moment until it heals.

(Y/N): Come on, Dante, say something!

Dante replies with loud roar, as sound manages to push (Y/N) back a little.

(Y/N): Fine... 'Guess I'll just have to knock some sense into ya!

(Y/N) then charges in with his body amplified with electricity.


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