Chapter 0: Gunpoint

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(This took place in Y/N's world, after the breakout and before he got his powers)

(Y/N) is seen to be in an alleyway, with his hands raised in. While three bandits, one with a machete and the other two with guns, are cornering him.

Bandit 1: Look at this freak.

Bandit 2: Stupid kid!

(Y/N): Just passin' through guys...

Bandit 3: Yeah well, this is our turf!

Bandit 1: Picked a wrong route to go through kid!

(Y/N): Alright! I'm just gonna go find another way, if you guys would let me--

Bandit 3: What if we don't want you to leave?

Bandit 2: Yeah! I mean you're already in our turf, which gives us the right to kill your ass!

(Y/N): Guys, come on, let's be mature here.

Bandit 1: *laughs* Do you hear this kid? "Let's be mature here." *laughs louder*

Bandit 2 gets closer to (Y/N) with a gun his hand, as (Y/N) notices it.

Bandit 2: In case you don't know; it's the apocalypse. It doesn't matter if we're "mature."

(Y/N): (That's right... Come closer...)

Bandit 2 stops near (Y/N), then starts shoving him.

Bandit 2: We own these streets now! You try to remember--

(Y/N) unsheathes his machete as he slices the guy's throat, shocking the other two.

Bandit 1: You really are a stupid kid!

The bandit starts firing shots at (Y/N), while (Y/N) uses the corpse in front of him as a shield. He then grabs the dead bandit's gun, shoots the guy on the chest, then points it at the last one, who has nothing but a machete.

Bandit 3: (hands raised) Woah! Woah! Easy there!

(Y/N): Not so tough now, huh!

Bandit 3: W-W-We've got food in our tent.... L-Lots of it! E-Even ammo! You can take some of 'em!

(Y/N): What if I want all of it?

Bandit: No... Please... I'll die out here...

(Y/N): That is the plan.

(Y/N) shoots the poor bandit in the head.

(Y/N) gets inside their tent, seeing what the bandit told him is true. He grabs one of the bandit's bag, then puts all of the food, water, and ammo inside. 

He even picked up a silencer, for his pistol. 

(Y/N): Huh... Neat...

He then attaches it to the pistol and leaves the tent.

As soon as he gets out of the tent, he notices a bunch of zombies trying to break in through the fence, that is about to fall. 

He then hears the bandit he shot earlier.

Bandit 1: You.... Son of a.... Bitch...

(Y/N) glares at the bandit for a moment, then shoots the side of the fence, to let the zombies in, as he starts to walk away.

Bandit 1: No... Please! No! No! NOOO! AAGGGHH! AGGGHHH!

As the bandit continues to scream in pain, (Y/N) is walking away as he puts on his earphones and listen to some tunes.....

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