Special Chapter 3: Salutations Best Friend!

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(Y/N) is strolling around the Pavillion in the city looking at the damages that the Grimms and he has done that the workers are fixing.


Man.... Me and Alex really went all out.... *sighs* I just hope that; everyone made it out alive....


Alex: I'm so proud of you

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Alex: I'm so proud of you....

(Present Time)


After finding that out..... Who am I to judge his actions, right? *sighs* I guess everyone does things for their own good reason, whether if their actions is either good or bad.

But, does the end really justify the means?

(stops and stares at the spot on the wall they broke through) 

What if the person only does good, for the bad?

What is "True Goodness" in life?


(3rd POV)

(Y/N) continues to stroll around for awhile until he bumps into someone.

(Y/N): Oh! 

Penny: Salutations!

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Penny: Salutations!

(Y/N): Oh, hey Penny! What's up?

Penny: Nothing, just simply; strolling around the city.

(Y/N): Wait, aren't the guards supposed to be watching you?

Penny: Oh! Mr. Ironwood said I could go out on my own, but only for today. In spite of the fact that he put a tracker on me, I find it fairly adequate. He's a very nice man!

(Y/N): I'll say... 

Penny: Oh! Since you're here! Do you wanna walk and talk with me, or maybe sit and talk with me, or maybe play with me until the sun goes down?

(Y/N): Uhh... You mean; hangout with you? I guess its fine. (That last part...)

Penny: (puts her hands together) Splendid! (grabs both of his hands) I get to finally learn more about boys!

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