Volume 6: The Demented Flame

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Inside the Starbucks cafe, a girl in a red school uniform is inside the counter, happily humming while making herself a strawberry frappuccino. With a zombie, restrained with smoke cloud against the wall beside her, wearing a Starbucks uniform and eagerly trying to take a bite out of her.

After she puts some finishing touches on her frappe, she boops the zombie's nose as she exits the counter. She walks to the speakers to turn it on as she puts it to max volume, before taking a seat.

She happily sits down on the chair as she puts her frappe down on the table. Sitting across her is a zombie, restrained to the chair with smoke clouds, also trying to eat Erika. Erika is just happily swaying her feet whilst bobbing her head from side to side following the beat of the music as she drinks her frappe, smiling at the zombie in front of her.

While she is having her sweet time, infecteds from outside the cafe are beginning to approach the heavily lit up cafe with loud music.

She gently puts the drink back to the table before she starts chatting with the restrained zombie.

Erika: This is only the fourth time I've been to Starbucks, you know? I've also dreamed of staying here forever. Free WiFi, no electric bill to pay, no uncles trying to molest you. *sighs* Old times....

The infecteds outside the cafe are now trying to barge inside as they begin to break through the glass windows. Whereas Erika is just happily sipping her frappe.

Erika: Oh, yes... The days where the boys are just so in to you. Giving you chocolates, you don't want. Giving you love letters, you don't read. I feel kinda bad for those I dumped... But, oh well! They're not really my type anyways! *giggles* They're gonna have to work harder than that. I mean, seriously?! Love Letters?! Well... I guess I should've given them credit. They did confess either way. Those poor souls...

The infecteds outside are beginning to pile up.

Erika: There's this one guy, who instead of giving me chocolates, he gave me strawberry-chocolates. Which was nice, I mean it was different compared to the others... But, he forgot one little thing....

Her smile quickly frowns as the zombie falls down on the ground from struggling. She walks over to the fallen zombie as she pours down her strawberry frappe to the zombie's face.

Erika: I. H a t e. S t r a w b e r r i e s.

The infecteds outside has finally broken through the glass windows as they start charging towards Erika. As they get close, her eyes turns red as she turns over to them with a smile.


Erika: *giggles* Dance with me

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Erika: *giggles* Dance with me.

As the beat drops to the chorus of the song, she turns herself into a cloud of smoke. She passes through each and every single infected she encounters, stunning all of them in place one by one. As she finally passes through the last remaining infected, she gracefully reforms herself back while the infecteds behind her explodes into pieces along with the cafe, where she simply brushes her hair to the side.

She then high kicks the infected in front of her, flipping the zombie away. She then performs a backward-cartwheel, her foot connects to the zombie's head behind her, slamming the zombie down on the ground. 

Three Evolved Hunters surround her. 

Erika: My~ *giggles* This is interesting~

The three hunters let out a roar before they start charging at her. Erika surrounds herself with smoke as it fires smoke pellets at the hunters charging at her, exploding as it connects, slightly bruising the three of them.

As the hunters get close, Erika then launches into the sky, looks up and transforms into three balls of smoke and ash that swirl into the sky. Once they reach a high enough altitude, they collide, reforming her back as the hunters on the ground bumps into each other letting out a huge shockwave from the impact. 

Erika then back-flips in the air whilst smirking and heads back down as she thrusts herself down by shooting smoke out of all of her limbs. Erika hits the ground, the impact produces a massive explosion and reduces Erika to ash. The ashes from the explosion come together in a tornado-like fashion, causing Erika to reform back. Burning the Evolved Hunters until the three finally turns into ash.

Erika walks over to one of the ashes, as she stares at them, slightly disappointed.

Erika: *sighs* And I got excited for nothing.

She then saw a multiple lightning strikes from above. Her curiosity, she dashes to the highest building and near where the lightning struck down.

From there she sees (Y/N) easily taking a mob of bandits, one by one. Whereas Erika, the longer she watch (Y/N) fight, the more her cheeks turn red and her getting more sweaty.

(Y/N): Last chance!

Bandit Leader: Grr... This isn't over kid!

The remaining bandits starts to retreat as they all get inside their customized vehicles then starts driving away from (Y/N). (Y/N) then proceeds walking, with his hands in his pockets and his head tilted down.

Erika: He seems interesting... *giggles* I should report this to the others.

Erika she takes one more look at (Y/N) before she reaches for her phone. She then smiles as she puts her phone back in her pocket

Erika: Well, we're not really much of a hurry now, are we? *giggles* Even I need a break, now and then~ 


Erika: Maybe he can be the outlet for my libido~

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Erika: Maybe he can be the outlet for my libido~

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