Volume 6 Chapter 2: Uncovered

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In the graveyard of Mistral. An old Groundskeeper is fixing up some of the holes whilst whistling in a musical tone. After he finally covers up the hole, he encounters a young man smoking a cigarette walking along the path. The young man then stops to a certain tombstone as he begins to stare at it.

 The young man then stops to a certain tombstone as he begins to stare at it

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???: ...

While he is staring, the groundskeeper gets beside him to stare at Jeff's grave with him.

Groundskeeper: Well, I may not know much about yer friend here. But I'm sorry about what happened, I truly am. Some kids with their packed bags were here to say their goodbyes to this poor fella. Probably, leaving town. 

???: ...

Groundskeeper: By what I heard, he seemed like a good kid. Sacrificed his life for a friend.

???: "Friend"?

Groundskeeper: Yeah. Something about him repaying his friend for what he did. *chuckles* Seems like he paid it off.

???: I see...

Groundskeeper: Never seen you around here before. You uh.... Out of town?

???: Something like that.

Groundskeeper: Well, you sure are a good friend if you've gone all this way to--

???: Do me a favor, old man.

Groundskeeper: Yes?

The young man gently touches the old groundskeeper's forehead with his finger. The groundskeeper's pupils dilate covering the entire part of his eyes. He then kneels down, trembling while staring up at the sky as tears of blood begin to drop from his eyes.

???: Be quiet.

The young man then starts blowing down red smoke at Jeff's grave as it forms a circle on top of it. He then reaches his hand towards it as it goes through Jeff's grave. As he pulls his hand out, he holds Jeff's torso that is still wearing its white hoodie with torn limbs and bares no head.

The young man then throws the torso to the side then blows red smoke at it. The red smoke imparts with the torn parts of the torso, replacing all of the limbs and its head. The red smoke then forms a dark eerie red as it finally forms into human-like limbs while the head forms into Jeffrey Woods.

Jeff slowly opens his eyes. After he finally noticed the situation he quickly stands up as he panickingly checks his surroundings and his body with the young man watching him from behind.

???: Hello, Woods.

Jeff turns around to look at the mysterious making his eyes widen then quickly turns into a determined expression.

Jeff: You...



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