Volume 7 Chapter 4: Sudden Connection

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It is dusk in Atlas.

The airship descends on one of the landing pads in the airstrip of Atlas Academy where Qrow Branwen, James Ironwood and team RWBY are waiting. The door of the airship slides open revealing Penny and (Y/N), both carrying two baskets of dusts as they get off the airship.

Penny: Mission accomplished!

Penny exclaimed as all of Team RWBY then dashes towards (Y/N).

Ruby: How'd it go?

Weiss: Were you hurt?

Blake: How was it?

Yang: Was it awesome?

Team RWBY asked in a worried manner, apart from Yang.

(Y/N): Everything's fine.

(Y/N) grabs one dust crystal before him and Penny then hands the two baskets of Dusts at the two Atlas personnel as (Y/N) starts playing with the dust he is holding.

Ironwood: Great work out there, you two.

Penny: (saluting) Thank you, sir!

(Y/N): The hell does that giant Spider want with those Dusts?

Qrow: Don't ask us. Even we still don't know why that Gheist wanted those Dusts from our mission.

(Y/N): Right... Well! What's next?

Ironwood: Well, you've done everything. All you need to do now is--

Clover: Sir.

Clover enters the Atlas landing pad, cutting off Ironwood halfway by calling out to him.

Clover: May I have a minute?

Ironwood: Excuse us. Penny.

Penny: Yes, sir!

Ironwood and Penny then walks over to Clover.

(Y/N): So, what else did I miss while I was out?

Blake: We took a couple of missions, here and there.

Yang: Beat up some Grimm, arrested some bad guys. You get the gist.

Qrow: The usual stuff. Anyways, I've been meaning to ask, where's your friend? What's his name again? Jeff?

(Y/N): Oh! Right! You guys haven't seen him, have you?

Ruby: No, sorry. We tried looking for down in Mantle while you were out, but we still don't have a clue where he is.

Weiss: We'd like to suggest a search party for him. But knowing how he is involved in the fall of Beacon, I think there's a high chance of him getting killed by the Atlas Soldiers rather than being brought back.

(Y/N): R-Right... I forgot about that...

Yang: What's his deal, anyway? Terrorizing Beacon and then all of a sudden he's on our side now?

Qrow: Probably to save face.

Weiss: Saving face is not easy when the problem is like that big.

Ruby: He did help us back in Argus.

Yang: Still, you can't deny that it's at least a little bit sketchy.

Blake: I don't know... He did save me and my family back at Menagerie.

Yang: What if he's planning something?

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