Special Chapter 2: Remedial Class

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Glynda Goodwitch's class, where we see (Y/N) sleeping on his desk, whilst snoring, seating between Pyrrha and Weiss. As Glynda is teaching with a tablet in hand, Weiss and Pyrrha tries to quietly wake up (Y/N), as Weiss is nudging (Y/N).

Weiss: (whisper) (Y/N)! Hey! (Y/N)! Wake up!

Pyrrha: (whisper) He's really asleep.

Weiss: (whisper) Yeah I know...... he's kinda cute though....

Pyrrha: (whisper) Huh?

Weiss: (whisper) N-Nothing!

Glynda: ..... Now. Let's start off with counter attacks. An "Easier said than done" task, when counter attacking...

Pyrrha lifts (Y/N)'s arm then drops it on the table.

Pyrrha: (whisper) Nothing.

Weiss: *sighs* Oh dear...

Pyrrha: (whisper) This isn't really like him.

Weiss: (whisper) Yeah I know.

Jaune: (slides to Pyrrha) Who's snor- Oh....

Pyrrha: (whisper) Yeah, we've been trying to wake him up but-

Glynda: MR. (L/N)!

(Y/N): (abruptly sits up) TRUE! FALSE! ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Glynda: (Y/N), I don't mind you sleeping in my class, but if you were to snore, I highly suggest that you wear a "chin strap."

Everyone in class starts to laugh while (Y/N) sighs in defeat. As the bell rings, the class stands up from their seats and leaves the classroom.

Glynda: OK, class dismissed! Don't forget to do your assignments! And (Y/N)!

Team RWBY, JNPR and (Y/N) stops and turns to Glynda.

Glynda: A word, please.

(Y/N): (to the two teams) I'll catch up with you guys.

(Y/N) sits back down as Glynda approaches (Y/N), pulls out a paper, as she puts  it on top of her tablet, pulls out a pen, writes something on the paper and slides it onto (Y/N)'s table....

(Y/N) sits back down as Glynda approaches (Y/N), pulls out a paper, as she puts  it on top of her tablet, pulls out a pen, writes something on the paper and slides it onto (Y/N)'s table

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(Y/N): Remedial Class?!

Glynda: That is right.

(Y/N): W-Why?! I've been doing well this past few days!

Glynda: Correct (taps on her tablet) Every subject, except; Physics.

(Y/N): Physics?

Glynda: It says here that your grades are not at least above 75.

(Y/N): *chuckles* What's there to know about swinging swords?

Glynda: Not to mention that you've been sleeping in every class, for the past week.

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