Volume 7 Chapter 7: Fragments

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Inside Ironwood's office (Y/N) (L/N), Qrow Branwen, Winter Schnee, Weiss Schnee and Clover Ebi are present in Ironwood's office.

Ironwood: This is the worst case scenario!

He angrily slams his fist on his desk.

Ironwood: You're telling me that not one civilian in that victory party survived the massacre?!

Everyone stood quiet.

Ironwood: Why wasn't I informed of this at that time last night?!

Clover: We've been trying to figure that out, sir. Marrow claimed that he called for backup multiple times and yet not a single one answered back.

Qrow: We didn't receive any messages. No voicemail, no ringtone, nothin'. And everyone is blaming us for the lack of response.

Ironwood: And Penny?

Winter: Doctor Polendina is fixing her as we speak.

Ironwood lets out a stressful sigh.

Winter: After the events last night, everything went fully quiet down in Mantle. No shipments going missing, the civilians have stayed indoors and the election is on hold until further notice.

Qrow: So, no one's winning?

Winter: Not yet.

Ironwood: It seems the massacre last night has emboldened our suppliers in Mantle. They're refusing to sell us provisions until the city is adequately repaired. With literally everyone in Mantle, even our suppliers, are petrified to get out of their houses, the Amity Project is completely stalled.

(Y/N): Can you blame them? They were scared shitless.

Ironwood: *sighs* Weiss, how's your team doing?

Weiss: Blake and Yang had gotten over it somehow, but Ruby... she's still quiet.

Qrow: Poor kid...

Ironwood: And how are you holding up?

Weiss: ..... It's... 

Weiss couldn't answer. Winter walks over to Weiss as they both hug each other. (Y/N) watches them with guilt in his eyes.

Weiss: I... With all due respect, I don't want to even remember the events last night.

(Y/N): ...

Ironwood: (Y/N), how weren't you able to apprehend him?

(Y/N): Adam Taurus wasn't like that the last time we fought. I guess I underestimated him last night.

Ironwood: This is the second time you've let a criminal slip through your hands, (Y/N) (L/N)! You are the strongest unit we've got right now, so do not fail again! Are we clear?

(Y/N): ... Yes, sir.

Winter: ...

Clover: Right, the reason we called you here in the first place. You're sure this was the man you saw?

Clover steps toward Weiss and (Y/N), brings out his Scroll, and presses a button to project a screen that displays a file about Adam Taurus. The file contains a photograph of Adam's face, as well as an image of Adam from undercover footage. Portions of the file's text appear to be classified.

Winter: Adam Taurus -- a victim of faunus trafficking back in the early years and former leader of the White Fang. 

Weiss: ...

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