Volume 2 Chapter 6: The Band and The Bonds

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The opening ends to view Neptune, Sun and (Y/N) walking on the courtyard, chatting about last night.

Sun: Cool! We're Forming a band!

Neptune: So who's singin'?

(Y/N): A guy named Drake. He approached me last night, asked me if I could help him play for his date, and I agreed.

Sun: (raises hand) dibs on the drums!

Neptune: I guess I could be the bassist.

(Y/N): That leaves me with the guitar then. But I was planning to have another guitarist.

Neptune: What about Drake?

(Y/N): Nah, he said it's too confusing for him to be playing the guitar while singing.

The three stops near the entrance door of the ball room.

Sun: So you got anyone for that?

(Y/N): I was thinkin' of Jaune.

Neptune: He can play guitar?

(Y/N): Well I've seen him once, last night. Serenading to Weiss.

Neptune: How'd it go?

(Y/N): You probably already know.

Neptune and Sun looks at each other for a moment then looks on the ground.

Sun: Poor guy...

(Y/N) opens the door revealing Ruby resting her head on her hand and staring into the distance, while Weiss and Yang who seems to be arguing with each other.

(Y/N) opens the door revealing Ruby resting her head on her hand and staring into the distance, while Weiss and Yang who seems to be arguing with each other

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Weiss: If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

(Y/N): (the three of them approaches) Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Weiss: (stepping up to him, becoming sweet) We were thinking about it...

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: (coming into the scene, acting suave to Weiss) You ladies all excited for dress-up?

Ruby: Pfft... Yeah, right!

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!

Weiss: (addressing Y/N, Sun and Neptune) What are you guys wearing?

Sun: Uuhhh... this? (gestures to his current shirtless outfit)

Neptune: (steps up and holds a hand in front of his friend's face.) Ignore him for he knows not what he says.

Sun: (knocks Neptune's hand away) Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.

(Y/N): Yeah, we noticed.

Sun: (rubbing the back of his head, preparing to ask:) Soooo... what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know... Blake-y?

Weiss: Obviously. (turns and crosses her arms in disapproval)

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