Volume 7 Chapter 3: Graduation

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Somewhere in the open field, where the moon is large. Jeff is found passed out on the grass, laying on his stomach. As he opens his eyes, the first thing that came to into sight was his spiral knife stabbed on the grass next to him. As he notices quickly sits back then quickly looks at his surroundings.

???: A little bit early for you to wake up, Woods!

He turns to the voice in front of him, as he sees a the man in red, standing and staring out in the distance, smoking and has his back turned against Jeff.

???: I believe that's how every parent would react if they're child either wakes up early or late on a weekend. Then again, it has been days.

Jeff: What the fuck?

???: Surprised?

Jeff: What do you want now?!

???: Relax, Woods. Just admire the scenery for a moment.

The man pointed out as Jeff just began to notice the view the man is admiring...

???: Beautiful, ain't it? Sure the black smoke is bad for the health, but still, beauty is beauty

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???: Beautiful, ain't it? Sure the black smoke is bad for the health, but still, beauty is beauty.

Jeff quickly grabs the knife beside him then throws it towards the man. Suddenly, the knife stops with the tip of the knife nearly an inch away from the man's head.

???: Temper, Woods.

He reminded Jeff as the knife quickly flies back as it stabs on the ground beside Jeff, leaving Jeff speechless and in shock.

???: *chuckles* What did you expect? I made it, Woods. Made it for you and you thought you can use it against me.

Jeff: Why am I here?

???: To separate you from all of the distractions. Can't have you procrastinating now.

Jeff: I told you, I know what I'm doing.

???: Oh, believe me that I believe you. I just want to admire this scenery.

Jeff: You're not making any sense. Then again, what's new?

The man chuckles in response. After blowing out another red smoke he then puts his cigarette out by stomping on it.

???: Woods, what makes you happy?

Jeff: ... Is that a serious question?

???: Of course.

Jeff: ... I... I don't know.

???: Is that a serious answer?

Jeff: ...

???: Hmm.... Ever imagined being rich, Woods?

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