Volume 6 Chapter 8: Huntdown

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Inside one the forest, Lena and Krystal, who are both on their Sanity Break form, are still fighting with the Nezperdian creatures.

Lena and the creature are bouncing from one tree to another while they are charging and clashing weapons at each other, unknowingly slicing the trees around the area horizontally and vertically. 

Krystal is also busy fighting with the creature, as they also fight with their own blades. The creature formed both of its hands with blades, while Krystal also does this by forming both of her hands to ice-blades. 

The creature manages to push her back as it begins to charge at her. Krystal reforms her left hand back before slamming her palm down on the ground, summoning some giant ice-shards. The creature manages to break its way in, only to be impaled by a series of long sharp icicles, being formed then thrown by Krystal.

The creature then extends its blades towards Krystal. Krystal tumbles to the side to dodge the attack. As the creature reverts the blades back, Krystal takes a deep breath then lets out a freeze breath. Her breath froze half of the creature's body as she bashes it by dashing towards it with an ice-shield upfront. Half of the creature's body shatters before reforming it back.

Krystal turns her focus back to the creature, only to receive a blade. She managed to dodge it but still scratched her right cheek as it begins to bleed. The two stare at each other down as Krystal wipes the blood off before the continue.

All the while, Lena and the creature are still clanging their weapons at each other, mid-air. The creature slams its two hand-blades down on Lena, as Lena blocks it but the impact made her crash on to the ground. The creature points two of its blades down at the lying Lena. Lena kicks the creature's face away by getting both of her legs in between the blades.

Upon landing, Lena quickly thrusts her sword through the creature's chest as she then slides it all the way throughout its head. She then quickly slice both of its arms incredible speed. Before the limbs could fall of, she then slices its head and torso as she then turns her gaze away from it. 

After she slowly wipes her sword, from the blood, with the sleeve of her shirt, the creature behind her then collapse into pieces, before it gets sucked into a dark portal, under it. She sheathes her sword back, finally able to take a break as her eyes return back to its normal gray-color.

On Krystal's end, Krystal jams an icicle through the creature's forehead. The creature swings its blades, but only to scratch Krystal's jacket as she jumps away. 

Krystal: Grr... That does it!

The creature dashes forward. Krystal clasps her hands together as lets out a huge spark. She then points her fingers towards the creature, in a form of a finger gun, emerging out a small direct beam from it. Freezing the creature in place, upon hitting, before bashing it into pieces with her ice-shield.

Krystal reverts back to his normal form as she falls down on all fours, now trying to catch her breath as Lena comes running to aid her.

Krystal: *pant* *pant* I'm okay....

Lena: A-Are you sure?

Krystal: Yeah... *pant* These things get more aggressive by the minute.

Lena: Let's call the others, before--

They hear the sound of loud crashing of the trees. The then see a girl with a pair of digital wings, flying away while slicing some black tentacles with her digital sword. A dark-red energy wave hits her as she crashes near Lena and Krystal. By their surprise, it was someone familiar to them.

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