Chapter fourty-nine

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The group continued their trek, but havoc wreaked itself upon Tisa as she followed Skliros.

Her gut wrenched with guilt as she continued to follow Sklirós' orders.

It won't be long before we reach the top, and with that comes the decision. Should we really destroy an alpha Pokémon who this world possibly can't live without?

Tisa shook her head.

Im a villain. I shouldn't be like this. Arceus probably has it coming to him.

But she couldn't help but wonder what was Sklirós' drive to want to destroy Arceus.

The staircase came upon them and the last floor before Acreus was upon them.

Sklirós was shaking as they walked down.

He was smiling a bunch. It almost seemed like a sinister smirk.

"This is the final floor. We must reach Arceus." Sklirós stated with passion in his gaze.

Lassie and Majnun both nodded despite Lassie panting. They had to climb a bunch of floors.

Tisa didn't like how many floors they had to climb.

This place is tall, isn't it? It didn't look that tall when we went in.

"Keep it up, team. We're one step closer to destroying everything. Without Arceus, this world will be ours to control and pokemon won't be able to help but abide to our every whim." Sklirós explains.

Tudi seemed really pleased upon hearing this. "Yes! And then those pesky Starter Squad won't be able to stop anyone from doing as they please." The Sandslash gleefully cried.

"I love that enthusiasm, Tudi. Let's go. Not a second spared much longer. I'm sure we might run into some...trouble. Some Pokémon will definitely want to stop us. We must take over before it's too late!" Skliros blurts out, floating forwards already as some of the Pokémon in the floor walked away.

They usually walked towards. What was happening?

It was as if they knew despite being wild and not nearly educated that these Pokemon were about to do something dastardly. Something that no other Pokémon has tried before.

They would be right.

Though it was weird.

Instead of trying to fight to protect Arceus they were running away, like they knew they couldn't do anything to stop them. They wouldn't even try.

It made the floor far more easier, but it was still really hard to navigate through the maze since it seemed like there were way more room in this level in the dungeon.

Maybe Arceus was smart enough to leave them a puzzle to keep them busy while he prepared himself.

Even if Arceus prepares I have a feeling because we have Kiumbe that this won't be a cakewalk for him.

Tisa almost shivered at the thought.

Mewtwo were one of the most powerful Pokémon. Arceus was powerful, but Mewtwo was created to be a killer machine.

A half hour later they found the final staircase.

This is it. After walking up these stairs we will have to face Arceus. Possibly the hardest challenge ever.

Barely any Pokémon challenged Arceus for reasons other than to see if they could defeat the Alpha Pokémon. Some Pokémon who tried to defeat him were not only defeated, but killed because they tried to assassinate him.

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