Chapter twenty-nine

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A claw poked her rear. Tisa let out a low growl, paw curling over softness. She blearily lifted her head.

The angry Sandslash was staring down at her. " Tisa! It's time to go!" Tudi seemed awfully more pissed than usual.

She blinked as she stretched her body. " What's got your claws in a twist?" She asked him. She tried not to be concerned, but it was hard with him in front of her.

Tudi growled as he slashed at a nearby cactus. If that is a Cacturne or Cacnea we are in so much trouble.

The cactus split down in the middle a bit unevenly.

Prickles dug their way into Tudi, but he didn't seem to notice. He turned back to her, his eyes blood red.

" What's made me mad?! It's remembering the tragedy that is Witness betraying us, and fleeing like a coward. Plus, I ran into Bucky. He's such an ugly metal bitch!" Tudi fumed as he kicked the sand.

" Aah!" Tisa cried out in pain. She rubbed her eyes. The sand had got in them. " Watch where you kick that sand!" She hissed sharply as she adjusted to get her eyesight back.

" Ugh! It's not my fault he's an annoying rival! Coming out of nowhere claiming he's better than I am! Ugh! Now even ghosts are being bad guys, claiming they're worse than I am, but I've killed starters way more than anyone else! I even killed a stupid Clefable; she was trying to kill my father, but's hard being me." Tudi growled like an emo teen.

Which was funny to think about according to Tisa, because he probably is one.

" It's hard being me too! I have to keep 'proving myself' to you. It's especially hard when the Squad seems to be one step ahead of me. I can't do anything right." She growled back at him, moving the sand with her paws.

" It's not your fault!" Tudi growled, surprising Tisa with his words. Her ears pricked at that.

" It's the dumb Starter Squad and everyone else who gets in our way! If Witness hadn't fled we would have been able to escape the Police with ease!" With that, Tudi started his defending.

One minute he's mad at Bucky, and the next he's defending me? I can't seem to figure this guy out.

Tisa's cheeks began to burn. " There have been so many loose Pokémon getting in our way, that it's not your fault. In fact, Skliros is the one getting in our way!"

" You're starting to confuse me." She whined as she looked down, hoping the shrew wouldn't notice the blush in her cheeks.

Tudi chuckled as he wrapped his paw around her, pulling her into an embrace. Was something off with him?

" Are you...okay? You're being weirder and stranger than normal." She barked at him.

He shook his head. " Nothing's wrong." He growled with a twitch of his head. It would seem he was moving oddly, like he was being controlled by something that couldn't be seen.

Tisa backed up. Now she realized it. He's definitely either being controlled, or Bucky did something strange to him. I've got to calm him down, and turn him back to normal before we get back. He's evil, but he's odd. Like all sense of anything is gone. Like he was poisoned, but something else. Tisa thought deeply.

" You're starting to weird me out, Tudi. Are you sure there's nothing controlling you?" She wondered as she pressed her paw against him. He didn't react.

Yep there was definitely something wrong with this shrew, but the real question is what was wrong with him.

Tudi seemed to twitch. Was he just more evil than yesterday?

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