Chapter four

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Tisa could not believe him. They gave him their lives and he just ran off because he couldn't catch his wimpy Umbreon. She huffed as she looked at the green spotted Witness. She looked up at her in shock. " He'll come around." She stated. Tisa wasn't so sure though.

He just looked so...demon like. It was hard to see that he would ever come around. He looked so mad. It wasn't their fault. It was totally his. She thought as she turned around to leave him to be captured by the Squad.

" Where are you going?" Witness asked her. " Leaving him to do what he wants. I hope he gets captured." She growled to the little Togepi.

Witness gasped. " Why would you ever want something like that to happen?" She asked. " He left us, Witness!" Tisa growled loudly, swishing her tails. Witness nodded. " I know. But he will come to his sense." She told her.

Tisa snorted. " Senses? What senses?" She asked as dashed in the opposite direction that Tudi did. " Come on, Witness. We're going to destroy the Starter Squad our way." Tisa hissed.

Witness backed up, wide eyed. " What?" She asked her. Witness kept on pointing behind her with a paw frantically. A sudden paw snatched her and she screamed. Fortunately it wasn't anyone bad. Unfortunately, it was someone really annoyingly good that was not the Umbreon.

It was a Blastoise. He was about to put cuffs on Witness. She turned around and bit him. Unfortunately, Tisa turned around way too late, and a Piplup cuffed her. " Hello, Tisa." She growled with hate.

Of course. Karma. It was Harley. Her old buddy. Sure. Tisa would call her that, but she was on the wrong side. Tisa pulled on the cuffs. " You're not getting away, Tisa. I've told them everything you've done. You're going to be in jail for a long time." Harley said, pulling on a long chain connected to the contraption on her neck.

Witness looked at her in horror. There was only one thing she could tell her. " Run, Witness!" She hollered. Witness seemed paralyzed by an unknown foe. She didn't move. She suddenly swiftly moved her paw. Her paw suddenly glowed green.

No witness! That won't help us now! Tisa thought. It would be better for her to just run away. To destroy what she can alone.

Witness hit Harley with a super effective Leaf Blade. Harley cried out in pain as she dropped the chains. Tisa stood in shock. " Come on!" Witness yelled, grabbing her and pulling her along with her.

" Oh, no you don't!" The Blastoise yelled, his tanks readying an attack. Oh shit, is that the one Blastoise from Team Hydro? Tisa asked herself.

That was a Bronze ranked exploration team. And it was obvious he was making an attack towards Witness. " No!" She exclaims as she pushes the Togepi out of the way and gets hit by a huge water attack. That was Hydro Pump.

Tisa weakly looked up. " Why would you do that?! That was stupid!" She said. " Says you. You were the one he was aiming at." She told Witness, wincing in pain.

Harley swiftly ran over and grabbed her chains once more to take her to jail. Witness was about to use another attack, but Blastoise picked her up, and held her arms behind her back. " You have the right to remain silent, Tisa and whoever you are." Blastoise told them.

" It's Witness!" The Togepi yelled, struggling a lot. " Can it, greenie!" Harley growled at her and slapped her. " You can it, bluie!" Witness retorted.

Blastoise only laughed. " Well, looks like she won't shut up." He said, elbowing Harley. That sent her into a nearby tree.

" Ow!" Harley yelped as she got up. She was quick in grabbing Tisa's chains though. The two dragged the two outlaws through the forest, onto a Lapras who looked stunned, and into a jail.

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