Chapter sixteen

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After they ate and spoke with some of the villains, Boulder less than eager to, they all left. Glacier said goodbye and they got out of there before anyone could find them there.

" Where off to now? Any diabolical plans?" Sklirós questions them. " We haven't thought of anything yet, with Tisa's leg being broken." Tudi explained to him.

Sklirós nodded in understanding. " I get it. I have a good suggestion though. Since you're after Paarthurnax, I think you should destroy Cresselia. She's the one who usually is with them all the time, and with her gone, we can destroy them all. Once and for all!" Sklirós laughed.

" Wow. That's a good idea. I've always wanted to destroy a legendary. Or mythical Pokémon. Whichever she is." Tudi said, grinning widely. " Well, then. Do we just wait here?" Tisa asked them. " This seems stupid." Boulder commented.

" Shut it!" Witness yelled at him. He looked at the ground miserably. " So we're just watching and waiting? Seems boring." Tisa groaned.

" Yeah. That's the idea. I mean she will come out. I'm here!" Sklirós told them. " Are you bragging about that?" Boulder asked him. He nodded. " I'm extremely good at causing havoc!" He exclaimed, moving his fingers like he was dangerously going to put someone to sleep.

" There you are!!!" A shrill voice exclaimed, flying at the villains. Cresselia flew at him. " You are under arrest." She tells him. He shrugs at her. " Why? All I did was put that Razor Wind member into enteral sleep. He deserved it. He thought he could beat me with his pray mantis scythes. I sure taught him who's boss." The Darkrai said, dismissing her with a flick of a hand.

She didn't budge. " Put your hands in the air!" She ordered. " It was just a harmless attack. Not like it was gonna kill him anyways. You need to get your facts straight, lady!" Sklirós explained.

" You're making this so much more difficult than it has to be. Put your hands up! I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!" Cresselia exclaimed.

The Darkrai grinned wickedly. " No. I have a weapon. And I'm not afraid to use it." He mocked her. " Grr! You've pulled on my last wing, Sklirós." Cresselia said, ticked off at him.

" Hah! You don't seem very prepared, Cresselia. You don't want to mess with us." Sklirós told her. She just snorted, and looked back at the army.

" Them? They couldn't break a twig, let alone me. Tee hee. Try again." She laughed. " Oh dear, it seems you don't know me too well. I guess now is the time to introduce the one who isn't truly on your side. She got into the inside and told me how to defeat Arceus and take his old place." The Darkrai chided her.

Cresselia floated in the air. " Where is She then?" She asked smugly. The Darkrai tapped his invisible watch. " Anytime now. Oh, wait. I know why she's not showing up!" He said in realization.

He took out a flower. Not just any flower though. A beautiful flower that you show for...for...gratitude. It was a Gracidea flower. A special flower for the mythical Pokémon she knew of for once. Shaymin.

A small green hedgehog was hopping about in the grass. " This grass is too high!" She whined. Her white paws making seriously high jumps as she made her way to the group. " Wow!!!" Witness exclaimed in awe. " Shaymin, Cresselia, and Darkrai all in one spot? This isn't going to end up well." Boulder said. " For Cresselia."

Then he looked down. " That thing is suppose to be the friend you're talking about? She's so tiny!" Boulder exclaimed.

Shaymin looked at him. " You should really see me when I'm bigger. It's better than this stupidly cute forme." The Shaymin complained. " Grace?" Questioned the Cresselia in disbelief.

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