Chapter nineteen

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Years passed by since they last saw Majnun. Witness had evolved once more, Skliros was getting more and more impatient, and Tudi was more annoyed than he has ever been.

He was yelling at Boulder who had lost them their meal for the day. They had to run away from the squad, which had several fast Pokémon. None of them were able to catch these tricky thieves and murderers because they were too good at going away.

" Training!" Skliros told them. " We need more training." Training is all we ever do, Tisa thought in disappointment. She didn't like the constant training they've been doing. It feels like Skliros was up to something. Something bigger than anyone else knew about.

" Tisa!" Skliros called out, a smirk on his face. " Yes?" Tisa questions as she approaches the rag doll Pokémon. The dark-type gazed at her with flaring green-blue eyes. " I want you to start training with me. You're way too fat. We need to slim you up." Skliros commented, unlike his usual polite self.

Tisa rolled her eyes. Skliros always thought she was fat. It's not me who's fat! It's Tudi! She thought, wanting to protest. Skliros seemed to examine her with mysterious eyes.

He then seemed to glare at her as if she knew something she wasn't supposed to know. He moved his ragged claws in her direction. " Come here." He told her.

Tisa lifted a paw and padded closer. " You want me to fight you?" She asked. " To get slimmer. You are way too lazy and fat." Skliros informed her. " I just wish to make this bad team even stronger. We aren't getting anywhere. I want to get somewhere that's more than just around the town." Skliros commented.

" We Seriously misunderstand the strength of the Starter Squad. Skliros is correct. The stronger we are the more likely we can take them on with only one Pokémon. They won't know what hit them." Tudi agreed.

It was weird for Tisa. Tudi always seemed to agree with Skliros. Either way they were a team and Tisa didn't want to be a prickle in their spins. She didn't want to fight the doll because she felt as if something was up that no one seemed to notice, but she was sure she was overthinking things.

" I understand, Skliros. It's just that-" Tisa began before Skliros said, " I know. I apologize, but it just doesn't feel like you're a part of this team. Maybe if you put in more effort then maybe I will feel like you are trying hard. Until then we will train until our legs fall off."

Tisa snarled a bit. She didn't like this idea. She liked the idea of training, but it sounded like excruciating training. Tisa went to one side of an invisible battle field.

Skliros went to the other. They faced each other. " I've been watching what you've been doing. Your best moves are your fire ones. Let's practice those." Skliros informed her as he floated above the swishing grass, it's greenery glistening with dew from yesterday's rain.

Tisa hissed as she padded to a muddy part of the clearing they were in. She shook the mud off her with disgust. I hate mud, she thought as she put her paws in the grass, hating the rain that had came and went.

She faced the Darkrai, eyes blazing with preparedness for what the Darkrai had in mind. Skliros pulled his claws closer together, forming a Shadow Ball in them. He launched the attack at Tisa.

Tisa dodged it, just barely able to dodge the ball of strangeness. " Good, but you should be able to dodge it faster. Let's try it again." Skliros chided at her. She rolled her eyes.

It wasn't like she could suddenly become faster within a battle. Skliros fired a different attack this time, though. It was an white beam. He had used Ice beam.

Tisa gracefully leaped over the beam. She wasn't quick enough. Her paw got hit with the beam. She yowled in pain, wreathing in the feeling of the cold ice. Her paw was frozen in the solid water. She landed as dust started to surround around her, getting her fur covered in dust.

She would have to lick herself clean from the mud, and what was left of the dust. She grunted as she blinked her eyes open. Her face flushed with embarrassment.

Skliros was staring down at her eerily. " Disappointment." He remarked, floating away. Tisa blinked as she watched him go away. He was disappointed in her. She wasn't fat, was she?

" Good going, Fox." Tudi growled as he swiftly kicked her in the jaw. She only grunted as he walked past her. Then he was nothing more than a shadow among the trees where they hid away.

Paw steps approached her. " I wasn't expecting them to be that violent." A Pokémon commented. Witness. " Are you okay?" Boulder asked. Tisa bared her fangs as she replied, " Why do you care?!" Her growl made Witness flinch.

Tisa was quick to say, " I wasn't expecting to be that slow. Skliros is right. I'm pretty fat." " They're a bunch of bullies. They might be villains, but they act more like bullies than villains. Wouldn't you rather not be bossed around? They don't seem to respect anyone but themselves." Boulder replied.

" Don't we all only care about ourselves? We have to be ready to be betrayed by each other any moment." Tisa growled as she opened her mouth and let out a small ember to burn the ice on her paw.

" Is that seriously what you think?" Witness wondered with shock on her face. Tisa sighed, " I don't think you understand what it means to be a true villain." Boulder sighed as a response. He didn't need to respond for her to know what he was saying.

" I don't. I don't feel like I belong here. I was thinking of leaving soon. I hoped that you would have wanted to come with us. You don't seem to understand what it means to be a true bad guy either. I've seen the looks you've given Tudi. Love doesn't have a place in the villain world, you know that right?" Boulder spoke as he tried not to slip on the grass.

What?! That little fish face didn't know what the distortion world he's talking about! I want this! " I do. I know what I'm getting into. You're talking as if you know me better than you actually do." Tisa growled, claws unsheathed as she stood up in the slippery mud.

She huffed with anger as she began to walk. I will prove myself to those world concerning buffoons. " The thing is, Tisa, we know you better than you think. We know you don't want this. Your eyes show more than what your mouth could ever." Witness told her.

Witness was never this strange. Tisa was beginning to think that Boulder was rubbing off on her. Tisa snorted. He probably is. Tisa honestly never really liked the fish anyways. He was just a weird starter fish with legs.

" Whatever. This life was probably never meant for you guys anyways. You're both too friendly to be evil," she snorted. The two gave each other awkward looks and gazed back at her.

Witness seemed to be fiddling with he wings. Are they...are they going to try to leave the team? Can they even do that? Tisa wondered as her mouth hung open at them. " What?" She asked them. They gazed back at her.

She realized that her hunch was right. " You want to leave don't you? You don't wish to be with us any longer." She snarled. " Please Don't fell tell Tudi or Skliros. They would kill us immediately if they found out about our plans." Boulder begged.

Maybe it was how much she was hurting from Tudi's kick, or maybe she wasn't as evil as she wished to be, but she responded with a nod. " Don't expect me to keep it for too long. I think Skliros can read you as well as he can chew on dreams and make them nightmares." Tisa commented, shivering. There was just something way more evil about the Darkrai than he let on.

Tisa padded with the traitors back to where Tudi was. " You're a disappointment, Tisa." Tudi snarled at her. She sighed. She knew that she wasn't pleasing him. Honestly that's all she wanted to do. She wanted to make him happy. She wanted to make herself happy as well.

What use am I, if I can't even think like a villain? She wondered as she sat down, tails wrapping around her body. " I know. I just don't know how I can be better." She replied as she gazed at the more experienced villain.

If only she could be more like him, but she was...more feminine. " You will definitely need more training. I think I know what you can do to prove yourself, Fox." Tudi commented with a smirk on his face.

Authors note: sorry for the late update. I've been dealing with bullies and graduation things. Anyways I hope you enjoy. Please do tell me if you enjoyed this. I enjoy hearing from you.

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