Chapter thirty-four

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Skliros chuckled. " Of course, Rau. These two aren't the whole entire army, but they're two of the most important. The brawn and the blaze. They have both given their lives to aid us in our quest to destroy Arceus."

The Greninja's eyes blazed with delight as she gazed at the two first genners.

Her paws grabbed her tongue, wrapping it around her body. The wind kept blowing it in all different sorts of directions.

Rau seemed to be gazing off in the distance, a thoughtful gaze on her face. She then looked back at the outlaws with a grin. " So what are their names?" She asked. " It's clear you gave them mine, but I don't have hide or lick of what theirs could be."

Skliros nodded. " Yes, of course. The Sandslash is Tudi, and the Ninetales is Tisa." Skliros introduced as he waved with the hat in his paws at both of the villains.

Rau was thoughtful for a second, a slight amused look was clear all over her face.

Does she think our names sound funny or something? Tisa thought. A growl began to grow within her chest, but she fought it off.

Even if she does find our names funny, it doesn't matter. She might beat me to a pulp with her disgusting water type moves!

Tisa and Tudi gazed at Rau with half lidded eyes. " Why are you smiling?" Tudi grunted as he glared at the black frog in front of them.

Rau started to snicker. " Oh it's nothing." She informed him.

It doesn't sound like-" It doesn't sound like nothing to me! You find our names funny!" Tudi growled as he swiped a paw at the frog with viciousness.

The Greninja caught the raging Sandslash's claws with both her Froggy paws.

She seemed calmer than either of them. It was strange, but a glare was still in her eyes. " Yes. So what? Don't get mad at me when the one who should be angering you is the one who disappointed every Pokémon."

She scoffed. " They Don't even come down to help with the villains. They don't stop anything. What a fake."

It was obvious what Pokémon she was talking about.

" You think we shouldn't be angry at you?!" Tudi growled as he swiped both his clawed paws at the Starter.

She calmly grabbed him, and threw him into the swamp.

" Of course." She answered. " Save your anger for the battle. It will be better for all four of us if you didn't get angry at every little thing someone says. If someone says your name is funny, they just find it funny. They're not making fun of you. It's the name." She said with a snicker.

Tisa blinked as she gazed at the strange calm Pokémon. It seems Skliros taught her more than one thing.

Tudi growled. " I hate you." He snarled at her. The Greninja rolled her eyes. It didn't seem as if she cared one bit if he hated her.

" I think Tudi hates everyone except Skliros." Tisa commented. The words had just poured out of her mouth. She didn't know how her words could just spill out like that.

That was sure strange, she thought as she shot an accusing glare at Skliros.

The Darkrai didn't even seem to be noticing her accusation, only glancing at Tudi. " You only like me? Wow! I'm honored!" Skliros said as he offered Rau some tea.

She took the cup, and sipped. She didn't stick up her pinkie either. That's how villains drink their tea: without using their pinkies. That was for pretty princesses and jokers.

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