Chapter thirty-five

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Tisa nodded in response with a sigh. She guessed she had no choice but to agree with this crazy blue-eyed weirdo.

" Yep. Their betrayal was pretty easy to foresee, though. And we don't need to remember them for anything but being bitchy traitors." She growled.

Tudi looks at her with a look of approval on his face.

So that's what it takes to get your stupid attention huh? Maybe I don't want it anymore! You're not the Pokémon I thought you were. Tisa thought as Skliros said, " Shall we get going?"

Rau nodded with a swift pull of her tongue back to her body.

Tisa and Tudi nodded.

Thank you! I don't want to be in this smell swamp any longer! She thought with a grunt. It was true. The swamp smelled of many disgusting smells like frog...oh wait that was Rau, and it smelled like someone peed in the water each and every day.

It was probably true.

The team of super villains all wadded back through the swampy, and mossy water of the outlandish swamp.

There were tons of trees that were ominously tittering back and forth, making the swamp even more terrifying, if you were a baby like a Starter Squad member.

Tisa began to paddle, reaching the deeper body of water. If there were other creatures in there, though Tisa doubted it because the water looked unlivable, they were surely not bothering the super dastardly creatures.

Even if they were there they'd probably realize how dangerous these villains above them truly were.

Tisa paws smacked against the ground of the water. Surely not even a Magikarp could live in this dump. The water is more shallow than it is deep. I don't think any Pokémon who likes water would even try to live here.

Her paw flashed with a brief stab of pain. She lifted the paw up, and shook the water off of it.

She then pushed the paw back in. Nothing was wrong. She supposed that the ground just grazed her paw. She was okay. She didn't think it was enough to bleed, just destroy some of the cell particles.

She continued to swim, her paws thundering through the water like it was only a run through the forest.

Minutes later, Rau easily swam through the water and ended up first to be on the other side. She looked giddy to get out of the swamp that Tisa thought she must have lived here forever until they found her.

Seconds after her, Skliros floated over the land of the swamp.

Tisa and Tudi followed, glaring at the water. I hope I never have to go through something like this again. Water is just pure evil. Tisa thought while she glared at the crystal clear water.

She slammed her paw against the squishy grass-like ground.

She scrambled to catch up to the eager black ninja and the way too proper Skliros.

She really hoped that they didn't come upon any more stupid happenings before they get back. Tisa missed being lazy.

She shook her fur of the slimy water once more. She grunted in distaste.

She hated the fact that to find the stupid water type they would have to go to the place where water types thrived.

Man I hate water types even more now. She thought in a low growl.

She stomped away from the stinky swamp as her gaze was upon the ground.

The group continued on their way, and they paused only to have lunch.

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