Chapter eighteen

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Several months. Several long months have passed. Tisa grunted as she stretched, her jaw agape. The little Togepi was long gone. She had evolved. Into a fine Togetic.

Well a togetic would be the better wording for it. The Mudkip lay by her side, breathing softly as he slept. Tisa was sure he snored too. A lot.

Their little group of baddies were just waking up from their rest. They had stopped there for the night. Now it was morning, and Tisa was one of the first to wake up.

Next to her, a new addition to their team, a Froslass named Lassie, snored loudly. Tisa growled, showing her teeth. She had become more powerful as the days went on.

Her nine tails curled as she tried to wake herself up. She padded through the forest from which they were sleeping in.

Her forepaw hit a body of water. She yelped, and leapt into the air. She shook her paw trying to get the water from her paw. She sat near the water's edge, watching it expectantly.

The water ripples in certain places as she gazed over its edge. Her paw reached into the water, shivering with detest as she reached below the water. Her legs were getting wet.

Gross, she thought as she reached even deeper into the water. What was she doing exactly? Fishing. That's what she was doing. She was trying to clear her mind from thoughts. Thoughts that betrayed she wasn't as evil as she thought.

Her paws grasped something slimy. Her nose wrinkled as she lifted her paws into the air, scooping whatever fish was down there. A Magikarp. Of course it had to be that one.

The Magikarp was frightened. " T-Tisa?" He questioned. He seemed to be trying to flip back into the lake. With a flick of her paw, claws unsheathed. She slashed at the Magikarp's body. His yellow body spurting with blood.

Tisa waited as the Magikarp screamed loudly as he died. Shiny or not, you're still a dumb, worthless Magikarp. She gazed at his anguished face, as he yelled in pain.

He twitched once, then fell limp. Tisa ran a paw over his bloody mark, relishing the feeling of blood on her paws. Why did she ever doubt she wasn't evil? She just killed a shiny Magikarp and watched as it died. If that wasn't evil, then Tudi wasn't evil.

She lapped at the blood on her paw. Her face covered with blood. " Wow!" A voice commented, a huskiness to it. Tisa twitched her ears. She turned around to see an old man facing her.

Well, he looked certainly older than her. He was an Absol. Whatever he was doing wasn't working. " That was a cool kill!" The Absol puffed as he approached her. " Thanks." She grunted, dabbing her paw against the dead shiny more.

" What's a Ninetales like you doing out here?" The Absol asked. " That depends, who's asking?" Tisa growled, not liking how close the Absol was. The Absol forcefully pressed his body against hers.

She, without a moment of hesitation, pulled her body away. A growl was on her voice. " Me." The Absol remarked, almost seeming friendly. " Who are you?" She growled. " I could ask the same. You answer my question first, then I will answer yours." He rumbled.

" I am out here because I'm an outlaw. Now scram before I give you a scar to remember me by." She snarled, showing her bloodied fangs.

" You're an outlaw? So am I!" The Absol purred. She shoved him away. " Who are you, now?" She snarled. He pressed himself closer to her. She backed up.

" Me? I'm Majnun. Heard of me?" He wondered. " Nope." Tisa replies. The Absol seems disappointed. " Then maybe we should get to know each other better." The Absol commented, winking.

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