Chapter twenty-eight

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Tisa panted as she as Tudi raced as far into the forest as they could. The lush forest around them had Pokémon giving them glances at every point.

The two ignored the 'paparazzi,' and tried to find a space to hide. Tisa gasped as she tried to catch her breath.

The two had stopped for now. " We don't have much time." Tudi informed her as he started to doodle with his claws.

Tisa nodded in understanding, despite Tudi paying more attention to his typing than her.

" We have to find Skliros and the others before getting captured again. You've let me down one too many times, so I don't exactly trust you at this second, Tisa. You lead us into a trap." Tudi reminded her.

Tisa growled. He isn't past that yet? I guess not. He wouldn't be a villain if he forgave me.

" But you did get the two of us out before anyone else, and for that I guess you are pretty okay now. It's that Witness who betrayed us. She flew off. What a scardey-chu! I gave her a chance, and she blew it. You both blew it. But I guess you had a good idea. Too bad it failed. It's witness who truly failed me. She needs to pay for her betrayal." Tudi growled.

Tisa flinched. She remembered what Witness and Boulder has said. They didn't like being in this group anymore, and they might leave it!

But...I need Witness! She's like a little sister to me! Tisa thought as she lowered her bottom to the flooring below.

" She needs" Tisa questioned him. Tudi glared at her as if he could guess what she was worried about. " Yes. You've got a problem with that? I thought you were loyal to me. Guess you like your little pest more than me." Tudi growled.

Tisa was struck hard by the blowing words that Tudi had spewed. Her jaw became agape.

" No! No I don't! I don't like Witness more than you! You're the best, Tudi!" She barked swiftly. That vey much was true. She did think Tudi was the best villain of all time.

It must have been Tudi's plan to make her sputter out all those words, because he was grinning like he had already killed Paarthurnax. " I'm glad you think so, Tisa, because I think of you as my partner in crime. My go-to-pokemon. Skliros might be more villainous than you, but you have something I don't think that rag bag can ever have: loyalty to me."

" May I just ask how she needs to pay?" Tisa questions, flinching. She didn't know how Tudi would respond.

Tudi sadistically smiled at her. " I'm glad you asked, partner." He remarked with the widest smile Tisa had ever seen.

He continued to draw on the ground with a claw. " Well, I was thinking that maybe we could exile her friend..."

Immediately Tisa argued with him. " No! Isn't there something else we can do? Something more sinister?" Tisa tried, lifting a paw into the air. She shut her eyes in the tension that she had put on Tudi.

Tudi started to laugh. He patted her back with a paw. " I like the way you think, Tisa. But first we gotta get out of this forest and find out team."

Tisa nodded as she shied away from the more well known villain.

" But how are we going to find our group? We're constantly on the run from the Squad and the police. There's a chance that they're going to come after us, and we might not be able to reach them ever again." Tisa seemed to ramble on as she paced back and forth from her spot.

She had gotten up. There was a lot to worry about with being a villain. But at least they weren't bossing around weak starters like Paarthurnax always seems to be these days.

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