Chapter thirty

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The Poliwrath flexed his muscles. He then ran at Tisa and used Surf.

How typical. A Pokémon thinks just because it has a type advantage it can easily beat a foe. I'll prove this sicko what true power feels like.

Tisa of course had no way of dodging the attack, unless of course she learned fly or dig somehow, but that would never happen. She got pummeled by the Attack.

She shook it off though. As strong as it was, she felt stronger knowing she was possibly saving her favorite Pokémon.

Her fur was wet. She hated the way that the water ran down her. She shivered. Water is gross.

She ran at the Poliwrath. He seemed to smirk. She veered away before he could use Water Pulse. Seriously is all this joker have is water type moves plus Hypnosis? What a weird moveset.

The water attack smashed into a tree and an explosion happened.

She used Dark Pulse. Poliwrath chuckled. " You think Dark Pulse will beat me? Your moves are as weak as you are to me, my dear." The Poliwrath informed her.

She smirked. " Don't underestimate me, muscles. I have a plan, and you won't stop me. I can tell you that I am very confident when rescuing my associates." She informed him.

" It doesn't matter what you do. I will beat you." He snarled at her.

" And how will you do that?" Tisa tried to trick. Usually some evil Pokémon explain their evil schemes, which is a weak point at some points cause then they give their opponents time to attack.

The Poliwrath chuckled. " I see what you're doing. It won't work. Might as well-" while he was talking, she launched her attack. She just had to get him to keep talking, not be tricked.

Her actual trick worked, despite not really working.

She used Headbutt. That move sent the Poliwrath both flying and cursing.

He got up. " You little! I'm so going to win this!" With that he sprang at her with fire in his eyes.

Tisa wouldn't have been surprised if he knew a fire type move with those kinds of eyes.

She dodged his Earthquake by jumping in the air, getting smacked by the sand that streamed through the air.

The Poliwrath growled as she used Quick Attack to send him back. Pokémon in this world can use multiple moves so long as they focus hard enough.

Poliwrath seemed so focused on her, that he lost control of his Hypnosis on Tudi.

Tudi got back to normal. He stared at the two Pokémon in front of him.

" What happened?" He asked as he rubbed his head. He shook it as well as he stared at the two fighting Pokémon.

" This idiot used Hypnosis on you." Tisa growled as she used the distraction to use Flameflower.

Her flames scorched the Poliwrath. She was going to kill him, but he used Surf to send her back.

She hissed with pain, but charged at the Poliwrath anyways, grabbing him with her paws. Tudi seemed to put a paw into the air. " Stop, Tisa. I will handle this smart alek from here."

He approached them slowly. Tisa retracted her paws from his body. She growled lowly at him.

She hated this fool so much!

She just wanted to sink her claws in and destroy this bitch for even thinking he could take control!

Tudi grabbed the water type, hoisting him up by his own skin.

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